[OCE] OK, really though - let's merge OCE back into a US battlegroup

wouldn’t be surprised if this is just enabled on pre patch

i’d rather them say no than be quiet :confused:

I dont arena much but man bg’s are dead unless they are the bonus weekend or its the daily and even the daily isnt was a win either.

Yesterday it was AV and not a game insight despite being qued for 2hrs

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When’s merge blizz?
Seriously, 2v2 titles in wotlk just killed 3v3 for oce again


Yep merge needs to happen or OCE will be unplayable outside of peak times. (how they do it could benefit nearly everyone without being a detriment) The influx of players lost in TBC aren’t coming back, at least not in large sums. Time to focus on what the current community are asking for or keep killing classic.

current >> strawpoll . com/polls/NPgxkDX1Qn2

Bumping the thing

kaivax answering posts about the realm consolidation… consolidate our pvp experience damn it!

Really need a battlegroup merge, can’t even do AV at reasonable (not peak) times.

came back to this thread because its AV daily today sadge

Earlier this week on a tuesday night 6:30pm in OCE, i queued 2v2s at 2100 mmr.

There was only 1 other team queueing (A rogue/mage combo against my warrior/shaman combo - where we are severely unfavoured). Having only 1 other team queueing in prime time is not a game experience that I will continue to pay for. If you look at the OCE ladder, many high rated players have quit - i’m one of the few warriors left playing in the >rival/duelist brackets

This week will be the last week i’m subscribed. I’m kinda thankful that I can finally leave this addicting game…

As an addict however, i will happily come back to WOTLK if there is a healthy PvP population. Given the lack of new players in OCE (zero WOTLK marketing in australia), and no US/OCE battlegroup merge, I doubt that will happen.


58 days and counting. Do we still not deserve a response?

Merge us. It’s the only right thing to do at this point.

If you count the above post with 700+ replies its been alot longer than 58 days :’( very sad

To be fair Blizzard already tried this once and you guys didn’t like it. Why would they do it again?

Define “you guys”? A small group of BG classic elitests, many who couldn’t even break 1700 in TBC arena went and made a hate post on the forum when it was originaly annouced . The change lasted less then a week from memory which was hardly a voice of the OCE people and enough time to warrant reviewing the change. The stats of BG and Arena particpation over the 4 seasons of TBC should be enough evident the OCE only pvp scene is dead and will not suceed in WOTLK if it stays the same.

i got flamed by legions of bandwagon smoothbrains when i supported the original battlegroup merge
enjoy your nonexistant queues hahahahahaha
i warned you

People that play on Oceania realms

It was not a small group.

It was very small and very loud, also most didn’t last season 1. It was a bad idea, we won’t hold it against you just help us fix it yeah?

Here’s a thread with 300 likes and 1.7k replies that mostly consist of vitriol degrading Blizzard for the merge. This is not what I would call a small minority.

In fact, it has 6 times as many likes at this thread and almost 10 times the replies. Which one do you think is the minority here?

Wow that post really aged badly. Even if 1.7k replies were all positive it’s still a minority of the OCE players screaming pvp would be dead, only to have pvp die in tbc…. Honestly we could have done without all 1.7k of you and had a healthy pvp community without all the toxic mess all of those people caused.

Also get off ya sock toon mate

I’m not sure what you’re trying to communicate here. The posts are universally negative. I can’t find a single positive post. If you were for the merge, why didn’t you support it back then against those that didn’t support it?

So it really doesn’t make a lot of sense to me that you’d claim it’s a small minority that wants to be separated.