Oce needs na pool bgs

Oceanic servers 100% needs to be part of the NA pool for battlegrounds (does not include arena). The que times are hours long most times of the day and if you want to do a particular bg you have to wait for the bonus weekend. its sad and a small latency difference in NA battlegrounds is more than fine. keep arenas oceanic only since its more competitive and requires the smoothest possible latency. MAKE IT HAPPEN PLEASE BGS ARE DEAD OCE… Or even better yet have an option to tick a box when queing for bgs whether or not you want to que into NA region, easy fix.


They tried this before and oceanic players complained… a lot.


i think that was more because it was also arena that was merged wasnt it, i remember doing bgs when they did that and it was fine… sure beats not being able to do them

Yeah, unless it’s a weekend BG, there’s a chance no one is queueing. It’s kinda strange.

I think arenas have always been server-based.

region based not server. but regardless battlegrounds are a big part of this game for alot of people. not being able to que them 90% of the time is dumpster and seriously needs to be sorted out

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I only ever competed with other players from my server in arenas.

I’m in favor. Let’s get some more battlegrounds popping, and at more times of the day.

That was before arena was in, now that it is OCE needs NA’s player pool because OCE is just too small, OCE has ~20k players while NA has over 100k players. People from NA will say “well only if they connect to us and not the other way around.” which is fine I don’t care but personally I think it’s best that they re-link NA and OCE again.

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Yes or atleast have the option to opt in for queing into NA to keep everyone happy. (apparently theres a few people who moan about latency) so in that case they can have 5 hour ques if they please.

You can blame your friends on that one.
You had it and they removed it ASAP from the amount of mega tears that was caused. Forums were wild lol.

Yea i no, again make it an option to opt into it apon queing that cant be hard surely

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I mean, what is the major issue, there? Latency, right?



i wish blizzard would make public polls on this subject, and only people logged into an account with both an active sub, and least a single other active game account on it, can vote. So we can see that all this pvp whining is from a tiny percentage of no-lifing pvp-andys who got filtered by MOBAs and are playing mmo pvp to over-compensate.

blizz made too many changes too quickly…
BG honor is beyond bad, so people just do towers+bunkers daily as its 1800 honor for 10 mins work compared to 3hrs for that in BGs… thankfully wrath honor is alot better but that might also create an issue where people farm it for their items quickly then never go back except to cap for next season.

They’re Cross server, and should always remain local to your region because the lag is horrible otherwise.

The reason it gets really bad no matter where you are, simply because the server bangs it self out trying to keep a good connection for all parties, making everyone miserable.

If you’re un-lucky enough to Q into an OCE Battleground for example while playing on NA server you will have like a realistic 300 latency, its not fun and makes the game just bad and horrible.

Blizzard dropped the ball with OCE and NA realms by monetizing them in the form of paid transfers, and via failing the players by unmitigated disaster that was the allowing anyone to play where ever they like with out any kind of server population / or faction caps.

As a result, you have a few packed servers and lots of dead ones.

This is 100% blizzards fault; not the players as some like to blame. Blizzard being professional game devs should know the players will ALWAYS go for the path of least resistance, so knowing this should have accounted for it rather than trying to milk it.

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More like 250. It’s still in the green and will not be that noticeable. In BGs, it won’t matter much.


I’m actually playing on Remulos, and live in MI. It’s not a big deal.

I guess if you have greater than a Third second reaction times then it would not matter, but for most people anything past 90ms becomes somewhat obnoxious and in some respects not pleasant for PVP.

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