OCE needs an answer now

Sure you are buddy, sure you are.

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aggressive and hostile threads like this are the reason why blues rarely post anymore


I don’t think this has anything to do with Aggrend, based on the X wording from Tom Ellis, it’s entirely his decision. He’s a “senior game producer” mostly for the Retail side of things, and his caring stops and ends at what can make this company money. He’ll make up things and gaslight to justify his decisions, as his X post to the Chaos Bolt players showed clearly.

I do think that the OCE players deserve an answer and now the Blizzard offices are open. I’m an NA player but firmly on the side of the OCE players who care about their server. Hopefully the ping concern helps you retain your server, we will see.

The silence is the answer. Your problem isn’t worth solving from a business perspective. /thread


Shadowstrike is dead unless your 60 in a guild with RL mates, pre 60 it’s just a dead server. I leveled 1-50 and couldn’t get any low level dungeon groups . Rolled wild growth, ping went from 50ms to 160ms but it’s not noticeable. Way better experience.


You claimed it was because of gdkp that the players quit but then debunked your own argument straight away saying all of the didn’t actually leave right when gdkp got banned and then that the majority of the players that quit came back in P2 when gdkp was still banned. Literally making up lies to try and push your agenda and throwing gdkp into a topic where it is irrelevant.


Case they open the transfer, OCE players will decide they want to move or not - and I reckon guilds and players willing to parse will not move, since game responsiveness and even action time is direct affected by latency. Casuals and people who perhaps are not established in consolidated guilds may find this transfer easier to do content - however, all raids in Crusader Strike will be around 11am-3pm AU time, so for most who work commercial times there will be no raids… and as soon we get to 7pm AU time, Crusader Strike is a dead server too, not easy at all to find any parties.

TBH your spot on,

they will go ahead with their plans, and when people panic move to Crusader strike, the server will be dead, and Blizz will shut it down.

as they will create the problem of not enough people playing the game.

Still waiting for an update BEFORE transfers open.

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The entire oceanic community has been waiting for any kind of response / update on this.

Guilds don’t even know what they should be doing while waiting on important information.

Very disappointing that blizzard handled things this way.

Woke up today extremely happy that they’ve finally made the right decision i do hope we will see some kind of solution that is acceptable for all oceanic playings going forward in sod or into the next season / classic+ server to avoid this happening again.

You realise they did the exact same thing in som and left the transfers way too late and it killed the entire oceanic population in game to the point there was not a single oceanic raid left on any server? And the same with oceanic BG’s and the same with oceanic arenas in tbc classic. You guys have the memories of a goldfish. Why is this going to play out any differently to the last 3 times the exact same thing happened?

Please give us OCE seeded instances and allow us to merge with Crusader Strike !

+1 better solution not the 1 currently offered.

They made a good decision today to save oceanic and shadowstrike and now we need to give them some time to figure out a better solution.

Or any other acceptable solution they can suggest to us.

Dont listen to the idiot elron. Let us off shadowstrike

When people don’t get there way they result to abuse.