OCE Inviting Only OCE

Are you going to take 2 seconds to write “NA”?
Or do you expect OCE players to memorise a list of 30+ servers?

Sounds like majority entitlement to me.

Good girl, still not a gamer IO tho <3.

Yes, im that oblivious to everything. :roll_eyes:

u don’t speak Austrailian?

no makes sense since all SA realm are hosted in Chicago

Aborigini? (SP) no

I have never had anything but bad experiences with OCE players. whatever the reasons may be, if they want to stay exclusive more power to them.

“as much as you” I made one comment about it lmao. But no he just actively avoid OCE lead groups.

So you are now most oceanic players. Good for you.

The difference with SA is that “South America servers” don’t really exist. They’re physically located in North America.

Yes, this means South American players always have a base latency that’s higher than other players.

NA doesn’t invite OCE and OCE doesn’t invite NA.

We each give a knowing nod and then go about our business. Don’t try to make it more than it is.

Well, I wouldn’t brag that much. I’m just one person, not most people.

When u (US or BR) is the leader of the group when u invite us OCE players, u do not inherit our ping. Drill that into your head, yes? I repeat u do not inherit our ping. U will still have your oh so great 20ms.
We are not as sensitive as u where playing over 100ms is unplayable, u think this is fps? Lmao but sure don’t worry please don’t apply to us too when we put OCE in the title.


One month later…


Now that’s some high latency


They speak Australian English not American English :sunglasses:

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It’s so hard with there being 12 servers, and such an onerous imposition to spend 30 seconds making a note of them on a spreadsheet. How could anyone expect an important person like you to keep track of a few facts? What an imposition!

Why would you want to play with 250ms?

It’s horrible. Feels like casting spells through peanut butter.

Probably sick of the trolling hate and language issues.
Cant blame them for wanting a smooth run. :man_shrugging:

Brazilian player here. Have 180ms, and yes, it’s horrible.
Pray to the blizzard gods that OCE ppl have an OCE server. We SA ppl have been asking for the same for like 10 years, but it seems blizzard completely neglect us.
Imagine if US ppl were forced to play with ~180ms like we do… They would be crying so loud I would hear them from my balcony.