[OCE] IF Merge Required ALLOW LOCATION SEEDED Instances

Pretty much title, Mega servers should have Seeded Locations based on where you’re from. the tech exists surely it can exist in a Seasonal Server.


But that would require effort, therefore they won’t do that


Potentially the only way to save our guild from falling apart

yeah that’s not happening :expressionless:


Bumping because the oceanic community deserves better.

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This has been discussed in a majority of the other OCE threads, but it’s definitely my favorite win-win situation. A large reason why people would be against the merge is because the majority of group content or content in general is done inside an INSTANCE (i.e dungeon or raid), and playing with large delay is not enjoyable at all.

Having seeded instances (dungeons/raids) would honestly make a good chunk of the people having to merge happy, and obviously if you could only do raids, that would still be better than nothing.

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honestly playing with slightly higher latency isn’t all that bad dude :expressionless: what are we talking about here, like 80ms?


200ms+ because of east coast servers is not fun as melee believe me.

Yes its playable is it enjoyable no.

that Requires Blizzard actually being able to code it like that, they wont allocate the resources to do it unfortionately.

i live on the West Coast of Australia.

Currently connecting to a server in the same hub im around 280ms and was spiking to 500ms in Org.

if people think that wont be the norm if they force us to merge, they are dreaming.

Bumping because oceanic wants better solutions.

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I really hope we are going to see some kind of update to at least say we haven’t forgotten you and we are working on a fix / solution but we need some time or something.

Not even a single comment about this from blizzard.

You can’t be serious this time

Thank you for saving the oceanic region and shadowstrike and i hope we can see a workable solution in the near future for all oceanic players.

Please give us OCE seeded instances and allow us to merge with Crusader Strike !

Please learn some basic reading comprehension - they have stated the tech doesn’t exist for this to happen within classic. They can’t.

Except it does and its currently in SOD region to region crossplay OCE/NA is currently in sod in battlegrounds where OCE and NA are able to play together.

Providing a solution without needing NA crossplay and just giving OCE seeded servers is possible.

They have stated it isn’t. Whether they are lying or not, they have proven no intention of doing it.

So the only option is to stop forced transfers off SS. Anything else will result in being forced to transfer off, and they are not interested in technical solutions.

The only hope SS has is if Blizzard are convinced to not enable free transfers off SS and lock the realm.

They are lying because its exactly how bg’s work and we also said we are open to other solutions outside of the ones suggested to say there isn’t any workable solution just close oceanic and make us lag is ridiculous and we won’t accept that.