Obviously unreasonable account locked

I don’t care about the credit card issue anymore. I have other online payment methods. There is not even a failed transaction in my transaction record. Now I just want to know how I can get the deal with Blizzard Live. I haven’t received an email. There is nothing official about this post. People Reply This makes me feel overwhelmed

There haven’t been live support for a while for a number of reasons. You’d want to put in a ticket to unlock the account as no one on the forums is able to help.


After all, if it was really a credit card issue, shouldn’t he freeze my Blizzard account? Why is my World of Warcraft sub-account locked? I don’t even know how to find real human customer service to deal with right now. If I lived in Australia I would already be on my way to Blizzard’s offices to complain. But unfortunately there aren’t any Blizzard offices in Japan.

You put in a ticket through the ticket system. That goes to a real human customer service rep. Blizzard’s campuses are closed you are not allowed to just show up and yell at people. Open a ticket and Blizzard will look into the issue.


Because a number of failed payment attempts is often a sign someone is attempting fraud/use of stolen cards. It is done for the safety of the account holder and the credit card holders. It gets locked or closed until the account holder sorts it out.


I filled out the ticket but didn’t get a response. I don’t want to complain or vent, I just want to draw the attention of the official staff to solve this problem, I just want to play the game. My vacation was short and it was really frustrating to have this happen.

Just need to wait.

Haha you are right, mainly because I submitted the ticket and got a robotic reply which was not helpful at all. I could only submit it again.

No option to reopen the original ticket?

No, I’ve been working on this for almost a whole day. it just prompts me This ticket has been marked as Answered.

You keep harping on “Official Blizzard” and bringing attention to your issue and wanting to talk to someone - but CS is a forum for players to assist other players. You’re not guaranteed a Blue response. And those Blues here are SFAs. They’re not GMs, they have no part in appeals or ticket resolutions. And I’m pretty sure walking up to any Blizzard office isn’t going to get you anywhere, even if there was an office down the block from you. And your issue isn’t any more or less important than any other person who is in the queue ahead of you. Your ticket(s) will be responded to in the order that they were received.

That being said - if it is something as simple as a locked account due to payment - doing the appeal is the proper place to have a ticket.

Another thing you can do is shoot a ticket in for Purchase Failure. Appeals are handled by a specific group of folks, just like there are specialists in regards to accounts and billings. At the very least, you will hopefully have more information and the assistance to get the payment issue handled. You can submit that ticket here:

It’s usually advised not to have multiple tickets opened, but appeals can work on the account being locked, and the folks who handle accounts and billing can hopefully work from their end too. It’s kind of a grey-ish area, else I wouldn’t suggest doing this.

Good luck to you.


There should be an option in a ticket to respond to it, where it will be kicked back into the processing queue for a GM to look at. Though, a moderator may roll through here and choose to provide whatever assistance they are able to provide through the forums, although that is not guaranteed. I saw the Centaur lurking around so he may choose to pop in and provide some insight.

I wonder what happened to the monkey, though…?

The point is that I’m not sure it’s a credit card issue, I’m just guessing, because Blizzard didn’t send me any email after locking my account. This is what makes me irritated. I didn’t even know what was going on and what should I do, filling out the form and getting a robotic response drove me crazy. Thanks for your help, I’ll try it after I still don’t get a reply on my receipt.I thought this was a forum for giving official feedback, but it seems I misunderstood. I don’t mean to bother anyone, I don’t speak English and translation software always seems to throw up ambiguities.

He’s still around! Every once in a blue moon he’ll pop in the off-topic thread or if there was something from another forum that’ll be dragged over here. He’s just no longer a SFA, but full-on Customer Support agent.

(I’m digging through trying to find his post about leaving)


You didn’t. So please stop saying that. You received a TEMPLATED response. Not a robot, not AI. A real live person sent you that.

But yes, if you’re unsure - it doesn’t hurt to send in the ticket for the link I gave you. Even if that wasn’t the problem, they can tell you that, at least.


Oh, I know I got a real human response, what I meant was “machine-like templated unhelpful response”. The translation software doesn’t seem to quite understand that word in my language.


Responses are usually based on the category it was rntered to, but are not necessarily robot responses. We would like to he, but as mentioned, this is for players decision, not direct contact to support.

Your fellow players don’t know what the response was. Perhaps you can paste it here? Just leave out personal information.

A locked account definitely is different then a suspended account, usually fixed with a password reset.

Can you login to account management at all?


That is understandable then! We have just been getting a lot of people who want to believe things are all automated and robotic and will not believe that there are real people responding, even if they’re just sending out the same information to everyone.

Please do double check your email’s Spam folder. Sometimes things like to end up there. If you already have, then my apologies. I don’t know why else you would not have gotten an email. Sometimes the system wants to be difficult.

I’m sorry this happened while you were on vacation, but there just isn’t anything that can be done besides getting your tickets in. Then it is just a waiting game until it’s your turn for your ticket to be addressed.


World of Warcraft®: Dragonflight (WoW1)

Americas & Oceania Locked

Account Status Feb 23, 2024

Last Played

I guess it’s a locked rather than a ban or something. Too bad I didn’t receive any mail, I checked every corner of my mailbox including the trash. I can log into the Blizzard website, the client, everything, and I can even play Hearthstone or create a new World of Warcraft account.
and This is the content of the document I submitted
My World of Warcraft account is locked. I haven’t received any related emails and I’m sure I haven’t done anything illegal.
7 hours ago
This ticket has been marked as Answered.
7 hours ago

This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use and our In-game Policies ( https://blizzard.com/support/article/42673 ), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players.

Our Battle.net Terms of Use can be found at https://blizzard.com/company/legal/eula.html

Game Master Team
Blizzard Entertainment

That would be the template answer for the appeal ticket. You are not appealing though. Try purchase failure instead as this feels like a billing problem your bank might not be able to help with.
