Obtaining Rank 3 Essences on Alts

Hm, technically true. I’ll allow it.

that’s your opinion and many, many people would disagree with it.


You’re right, they could just have left the system as it was :open_mouth:

You are just desperate to think you are right. Heirlooms are a shortcut that makes leveling faster. This system is a shortcut to make acquiring essences faster, this system is free and rewards you for doing what alts would be doing anyway. Adding a currency to heirlooms doesn’t even compare to this essence system.


I’m about to use Heirlooms to get through my Horrific Visions. #NewMeta

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They should just bring back MoP’s rep commendations. Hit revered, buy the commendation, and that rep gets a boost account wide…including the toon at revered, making exalted less of a grind.

Since I would not want to lose the paragon system, though, they could increase the amount of rep needed for a paragon cache by the amount of the rep boost, allowing alts to reach exalted faster, but not impacting the pace of paragon rewards.


So what’s the go with mains then?

Are they going to still earn the currency? Can they buy an essence and send it to an alt? Will the currency be converted to gold, or just build up? I wouldn’t mind either, I’m just not sure what my main gets. If it’s nothing, it seems kinda strange. I mean, I’ll still be doing things on him, and to have this just build up…




Even a full clear of Normal (probably 200) and the assaults on Tuesday would pretty much net you one for also next to no effort.


“Let us raid log!”


“Give is things to do other than raid log!”

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I say this everywhere I go, Trade chat, mmo-champ, here on the official forums, the doctors office, the checkout lane at my local toilet paper dispensary grocery store.

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Like the WR BOA box that we can send, I’d consider adding an Echoes BOA box.

Given how abundant Echoes seem to be, 850 seems about right? Possibly as high as 1250?

One thing I’m not clear on, and sorry if it’s already been asked I’m not reading 100 replies first

  • do we get 150 echoes for a full clear only once a week, or 150 per full clear as many full clears as we can do per week?

Different groups brotato. The problem is “Give us things to do other than raid log” are the raid leaders and “let us raid log” are the GP raiders and the GPs have to do what the RLs say lol

And doing the emassaries every day is another easy 350

I swear every expansion just keeps getting worse with Alts and at the tail end of a expansion Blizzard tries to make up for it by these stupid catch up mechanics that are not worth the time .

Seriously. If they really wanted to us to love the game more they would of made all of this account wide so no one would have to grind rep on 10+ alts . The damage is done so please Blizzard just let this expansion die on it’s own without the help of useless currency. 4-5 months left until our necklace and cloak are obsolete like the 15+ class legendary’s from Legion .

Shadowlands will be just the same . No matter how much you polish a turd , it’s still a turd. Blizzard will never understand , no matter how many people complain or feed them logic they will always make the game less fun until no one wants to play period.


Can we just get real here?

The general goal here is that doing Assaults and associated Horrific Visions should provide enough to get at least one Rank 3 Essence of your choice per week.

You could always get some essences rank 3 in a week or two. This isn’t really a big change for alts, but I’m sure people will play because what else are they going to do? Continue to not play alts for 7 months? This is just stupid. For any fresh alts, you’ll still be grinding directly for essences that you may have earned 1.5 years ago.

Within a couple of weeks of hitting max-level on your alt, you should be able to obtain your preferred Essences by playing the game as you usually would.

You could literally get 4 very good (maybe not best, but almost equivalent combos) for a LOT of classes within a couple of weeks of hitting 120. People didn’t do it because the of the grinds you’d have to do to get those essences. Now if you want to run +10s on fresh alts, you’d need to run 17 +10s. For raiding, you’d have to run the heroic raid for 2 weeks, plus one boss the following week, or get carried through mythic, which won’t happen for the vast majority of players.

This is really just an update to get people to go do the exact grinds you’d have to, anyway, to get these essences in the first place. Oh, people stopped doing dailies? Here’s a bone! It’s not significantly better than right now, but if you only need an essence or two, go for it! Oh, people stopped doing emissaries because 2k gold is nothing, equipment/azerite caches are mostly meaningless, and the AP emissary hasn’t happened very often, recently? Here’s another reason to do 1.5 year old content that is completely stale! Go kill this guy you can 2 shot here, then go do the same over here, click an extra action button 5 teams here, etc. It’s boring, but here’s another bone!

If you don’t want to do boring, stale content, too bad. You can go run 17 +10 keys, get carried for a couple of weeks in a row through the raid, or you can do the boring content that extremely few (if any) people actually enjoy.

This is just the perfect summation of Blizzard, right now, with this game. Just keep trying to heavily incentivize boring, stale parts of the game instead of creating meaningful changes. And here’s another bone for those who actually want to play the game, with a clear main and quality alts, without having to grind for weeks and months on end just in case an overtuned nerf or buff to a class makes or breaks a class.


Nor should you, about 23 of those replies are jokes from me :slight_smile:

i suppose you are technically correct, if i were to be more specific, heirlooms are obsolete once you hit 120, hence “past content” if we arent counting the 110-120 experience. but cloak and neck are something that we currently gear up for in 8.3, the last patch of this expansion

All you have to do to get your cloak is the 2 assaults, one short scenario, and like 2 other small quests…it takes a little over an hour, most of that being travel time. If you can’t do that much, you don’t really have the time to be doing advanced enough content on alts obviously.

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