Obtaining Rank 3 Essences on Alts

What do I do with this currency on my main?


Buy an albino Brutosaur

They said they want every alt to do every piece of content in the game. Spamming visions doesn’t exactly qualify.

They didn’t say that.

Well, I do have the most likes in this thread and far more than the original blue post. It seems like I am not the only one who is unhappy…


Should allow us to trade otherwise we are just getting some useless resource on our mains.


Probably the lowest IL so your opinion doesn’t matter :v:

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You guys know, you can just step back from competitive play :slight_smile: You don’t have to quit, I hate when people tell others to quit the game but just drop down to normal mode or something and play casually :man_shrugging:

on what basis is it unnecessary? cuz it has a cost?

Do you happen to have the source of where you saw this? Because I don’t remember them saying anything about making essences you didn’t obtain on your main available on your alts.

I believe they said in situations like this (in the original thread when they announced this change) if you have met the original requirement it unlocks all the essences for alts (Ex, the rep ones if you grinding out say Purification Protocol/Null Barrier/Ever Rising Tide on your main you would get access to the other two as well).

It was 1000 currency in legion. Took about a week per legendary.

That’s what I’m hoping, I’m just not sure because they said the essence has to be learned then listed out the Mechagon and Nazjatar rep ones were the only ones going cross role.

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I think we need to add a currency on every character to grind before they can unlock the ability to use heirlooms. This system would make me feel like I am progressing on every alt and would be very rewarding to me.


While ordinarily each specific Essence must be learned in order to unlock it for other characters via MOTHER, all Essences associated with Nazjatar and Mechagon reputations will be available if any other different character has earned any of the Essences available from that reputation.

From the original announcement


I remember back in 1742 all you had was dungeon gear or raid gear (legendary for certain classes/specs) and pvp gear but … you’d get kicked for wearing some resil gear lol. Thems were the days rocks self to sleep

Thank you, that’s the quote I’m referring too with the battleground honor essence.

dear god learn use a period

heirlooms are used to get through past expansions. what you are asking for is an account bound gearing system regardless of content’s date.

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Heirlooms are also used to get through current content.