Obtaining Rank 3 Essences on Alts

Some people just want to login raid and logout :man_shrugging:


Those type of players shouldnt have alts then… lol.


Why not? It has historically been possible and only recently has it become more burdensome to possibly fill tough spots in your guild roster.


I think I speak for most returning players when I say that this is probably the least casual friendly expansion you guys have made in a long time. I’m looking forward to the reset button with Shadowlands.

Getting essences if you’ve stopped playing since 8.0 is a grueling process and barriers for fair gameplay & this alt system is a step in the right direction but still is just a tiring grind for people that are, already probably tired.

Hopefully it’s easier in practice than on paper.


This gives me hope for Shadowlands, if it goes beyond leveling, thank you.

As someone who plays a lot of alts, I’m not opposed (whatever anyone says) to playing my alts to gear them or progress them, but I do firmly believe each alt should be quicker and more efficient than the last.

As an example I think it would be great, since we can’t have account wide reputation, to have a system where one you have an exalted character your next character gets rep 50% faster, the one after that 25% faster than the second, and then 10% than that for each subsequent alt
That way you still earn the rep, but the diminishing returns means most players with only a couple alts get a decent benefit but players with more over time get more.

That sort of thing, but applied to more progression systems, would be great if we can’t just have them account wide.


Come on… You can literally get all 4 essences in a day if you really put your mind to it. If you can’t put in 5-7 hours to get majority of your necessary essences on an alt, you shouldnt have one. Stick to your main that’s competitive and forget about it.

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Can you please change the “Random Battleground wins” to just participation? 15 loss, 25 win? Because alliance currently is in a bad spot for winning PVP. Horde have majority winrate in PVP and alliance is dirt and maybe win every once in a blue moon.


Real question is. What does this currency, that my main will be getting passively, do for my main?
New mount ?
Can the mount be an Albino Brutosaur?:slight_smile:


Nothing, it’s solely for alts and not mains.

Stats ? Cuz I went around 5-25 last night/ this morning while on my Hordie

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Are you seriously trying to tell us that a new or returning player can get 4 rank 3 essences in one day?


Yes. What’s so hard about spamming full clear visions

Edit: and it’s gotta be their alt.
Mains earn r3s the hard way the first time

Wow the complaints already coming in hot

Some ppl never happy


“Please listen earlier, don’t dig in your heals for months and then grudgingly yield” seems to be the lesson the devs need to learn from BfA. I just hope it sticks when they’re working on future content.

Sometimes, players actually do want what they think they want.


it sounds fine if you already have a bunch of rank 3 essences, but does nothing for returning players. was hoping it would be more of a catchup mechanic.


I see. Selectively excluding the ones that take a month or more to get.

She’s responding to returning player, right?

There is A LOT wrong with this post and it would be waaaaaaaay too much work to go through and comment on everything, but I’m gonna go ahead and highlight this bit here and quote my post from the other thread:

Thanks for the arbitrary system though, I guess people need to earn their keep.


They clearly stated they want ppl to earn their R3 essences the hard way first. They even lowered the reqs for most

Some people can never be happy.