My only problem is this.
My DK has the all my highest essences. But I have some alts that have some matched levels. Right now, I am not getting ANY echos of ny’alotha on my DK. ALL my other toons I am.
Is this working as intended? I was sort of hoping that I could passively earn them in the event I go on one of my alts for a month and earn a higher one, then I can just bip on over to my DK and purchase the rank.
Do any of your alts have essences that your DK doesn’t? If not, you won’t see the echoes drop for him since he would not have any essences to buy.
No, that is kind of my point of my disappointment.
Lets say I have 4 rank 4 essences on my DK. All the highest.
But lets say I want to go over to my Guardian Druid and derp around for a month or so and I end up getting a rank 3 of one essence my DK doesn’t have. It would be nice to at least have built up a little pool of Echos on my DK, so in the event that situation happened, I could just go to MOTHER, and buy it.
But the way it is designed, as soon as I got an essence that my DK doesn’t. Then I have to spend a week on my DK grinding out Echos. Just unnecessary Grinding. Don’t get me wrong, what they have implemented is better than nothing, but it needs work.
This expansion is NOT alt friendly. It is actually getting worse. yeah Titan forging went away, but now we have RNG of corruption, RNG of pvp items still, Cloak ranking, and still, mild essence grinding. Whether to get the rank 3 of it first, or have to grind out 500 echoes to get it on another champ.
My emissary quests do not have Echoes of Ny’alotha. I think it had them last night though. Not sure what’s going on.
Even after you complete it? Some of them explicitly say they do while others don’t, but when you complete it, it should say you receive the Echos of Ny’alotha regardless. If it doesn’t, then I’d report the bug.
Heh, if you came to a forum to comment and did not expect it to elicit a discussion, you’re clearly very new to forums. You can always disengage with the topic if you wish (simply unwatch it using the eyeball under the scroll bar to the right), but you can’t stop people from discussing your position, especially since it is, as you rightly assumed, rather in the minority.
It’s not that you have to have one rank 3 essence. You have to have logged in with a character with one or more rank 3 essences, and then you’ll only start receiving currency on characters that do not have that essence at rank 3 yet (and are eligible to possess it, so rogues won’t get Echoes if the only one you’ve unlocked is a healing essence, for example).
Whether the character in question has a rank 3 or not is irrelevant. The currency only drops for characters that are missing (and role-eligible for) a rank 3 essence that another character on the account possesses, and only if that other character has logged in at least once since the patch.
and this here is one reason its NOT account unlocks but an alternative grind AFTER it was obtained once before.
They posted a tweet saying they were removing the rewards from Emissaries due to a bug in the Unshackled one:
Bugs For Azeroth. Systems on systems on systems and none of them are necessary or enjoyable. /sigh
General question because I am slow and not really understanding the mechanics to activate Echoes. My main is receiving Echoes from Emissaries with no problem. My wife has logged on/off her main then an alt and then back to her main and still does not receive Echoes for her main when completing emissaries. Any help or direction in understanding what needs to be done for my wife’s main would be very much appreciated. Thank you all.
Could you finally take a step back and respond to other issues? Things like having a ‘last logged in’ time for communities? Considering you have them capped at 1k members it is nearly impossible to keep up with active and not. Asking people to update notes is a bit much.
There are quite a few more issues more glaring.
Sad to say this but you sir /ma’am failed to read what i stated and that was that i have 6 with rank 4 and what you replied with didn’t really answer my Question which was asked to the person who started the post hence why i said that i doubt that i would even get a straight answer from anyone at Blizzard
So only 1 of my characters are earning this new currency despite the other 12 that I want essences all of them have rank 4 Crucible of Flames. You need to fix this terrible system of “fake account bound”, also my alliance characters can’t get the essences that I unlocked on the Horde despite you guys saying that they are “account bound”.
This is terrible, just make the essences account bound without this terrible time wasting system that makes you grind like if this was a mobile game, “grind this 10 daily quest for currency that can be bought in our cash shop”, come on Blizzard you can’t go lower than this.
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I actually didn’t understand a word of the OP at all but oh well.
I guess it’s because I only have one toon that raids, and the other alts they might do the end-game content but they generally just chill
But are they the same rank 4? Like, are they all Crucible, for example, given how easy it is to get to rank 4 these days? Many of my alts have rank 4 Crucible and rank 1 or 0 in most other essences, because I’ve not put effort into farming those other essences on each alt. If that’s the case with yours, your main wouldn’t receive any Echoes if they also have rank 3+ Crucible (or whatever essence your alts have R4 of). A character only receives Echoes if you’ve unlocked a rank 3+ on another toon that the current toon has not yet unlocked (and you’ve logged in on that alt at least once, and the current toon is role-eligible for that essence).
Like, if might help here if you laid out which essences each character has at rank 3+, and which character you’re seeing the issue on. I’d more easily be able to determine if those is working as intended or a bug if you do so, and if it’s working as intended, more easily explain why.
So instead of grinding out essences on 9 characters, I’m going to go ahead and play a better game that doesn’t belong to blizzard.
I have gotten 3 essences already and its not friday its not hard lol
It appeared to be working fine yesterday. I correctly got echoes on multiple characters.
I doubt they will put the currency back in emissaries.
Old content is where the cool people hang out.
I mean, it’s clearly their intention to do so. The only reason they removed them is due to a bug, not because they felt the sources was inappropriate. How long it takes them to fix said bug, though, who knows.