Obtaining Rank 3 Essences on Alts

Wakening Essences also had a BoA token, so your main could earn currency and send it to alts. Also, alts you didn’t really care about at all could use their free 1000 to buy a token and send it to alts you actually did care about.


I don’t see anything wrong with your alts having to do the content you would anyway do on them to get their essences. It’s really not that big of a deal. It’s being blown out of proportion for no reason at all. There’s 100 Echoes sitting in emissaries right now. You can reach 500 in no time to get your major which is the most important for alts.

Not anymore there ain’t.

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You can flag posts for moderator attention by clicking the flag icon in the lower right of the post, if you really feel a post requires such attention. One of the options in that report dialogue is “Trolling”.

I guess i dont understand why it still shows it in game then. Regardless, they would just need to bump up the values of the other sources to make up for emissaries and problem solved. I got 125 for doing an assault just now. Make it 150 or 175, increase the other sources by a bit, and that issue is solved. 500 echoes is free… Plus we already received a bunch for free from our M+ chest even though the system hadnt been implemented yet.

I’ve literally done 1 assault since this system has been out on my 420 alt prot warrior, and it has 225 echoes already… Just from the +5 from last week and 1 assault. Half way to my r3 major in less than an hour.

Bingo same for me. I got 0 from the chest and first assault and thought where is this currency. Only then to figure out you had to log in on your main first. As if we haven’t been playing our mains all xpac and were excited to get the currency rolling on toons that needed it.

My first statement was saying I don’t want to do the grind on an alt my main has already done it on. It’s not content I care to repeat.

Raiding and M+. Not having the ability to grab the essences I want based on the needs for that and having to regrind a currency or regrind the rep/weekly chests, old raids etc is what bothers me about the implementation. I have to spend a few weeks grinding out echos along side pushing for those grinds I’ve already done if I want to be as efficient as possible in getting 4+ good essences for my alts.


Not sure if this is your main or not. But if it is, you do not need all 4 of your essence slots to be competitive in the content you’ll be doing. Having 2 r3 majors is plenty… one for single target and one for aoe is plenty. That is not hard to reach.

You’re not repeating content…you’re doing the content you would anyway do on your alts if you had r3 essences. And honestly… if it’s that much of an issue then you don’t have to keep alts up to date. These echoes are optional, and you do not have to grind them. If you want your alt up to date, you just have to do dungeons and raids. I’m not sure what else you really want r3 essences for anyway…

This is literally what you have to do to get echoes. I dont see the problem.

By the way, im sitting a 300 echoes in less than an hour played on my alt prot warrior… This isnt hard. The time spent on the forums complaining about the system could be put into actually progressing toward your essences.

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It’s strange they would say that, I got Echo thingies from the Zandalari emissary.

Don’t understand why Blizzard is unwilling to help. My “alt” has 2 Rank 3 essences but wasn’t recognized. Missed out on a PvP cache, PvE cache, and the weekly mission cache.

First no real PvP changes for a year, now we get “hopefully you log in on the right character first!”

Starting to feel dumb for continuing to play

This i can get on board with since it wasn’t initially stated… hopefully they do something to fix that and recompense people that were affected. (i wasn’t btw)

The hotfix may still be in progress and not yet deployed, they did say “imminently”. It’s also possible they found a fix for the Unshackled bug, or they found a way to disable it for only that emissary.

Why wasn’t this currency just unlocked for everyone’s characters, regardless of whether they log in on a character with a rank 3 essence?

It couldn’t have hurt to just let people build it up even if they don’t yet have an essence to buy. Unless, of course, the plan was to purposefully exclude people without a rank 3 essence from prepping, in which case that would be pretty strange.

Either way, not really a problem for me since I logged on my main before I completed anything on one of my alts, but why does it seem like the ball has been dropped on implementation with pretty much every patch or addition to the game like this for this expansion? Tons of issues, a lot of which I can’t even remember because there have been so many, but it all started at the very beginning with the weekly chest issues.

QA is just out the window I guess, wouldn’t surprise me between the layoffs and other stuff going on. This game probably has Kudzu code at this point, and yet they just don’t seem to care about quality control at all when things as important as this go overlooked or unchecked.

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What do you mean by “wasn’t recognized”? Do you mean that alt with two rank 3’s didn’t get echoes? Or do you mean that you logged into that alt, and then another alt didn’t get Echoes even thereafter?

If the former, note that a character possessing rank 3’s doesn’t mean that character will earn Echoes. A character will only receive Echoes if another character on your account has earned rank 3 essences that the first character has not yet earned, and you’ve already logged in once (since Tuesday) on that second character to “register” those rank 3’s. If your alt has two rank 3 essences and you’ve logged in on him, other characters should be receiving Echoes, provided they do not also possess those same two rank 3 essences. The character with two rank 3’s will only receive Echoes if you’ve logged in another toon (like you main) that has rank 3’s that toon lacks.

Illustrative example:

You have 3 toons, Allen, Billy, and Chuck. Allen has every single essence at rank 3+. Billy has Crucible and Breath at rank 3. Chuck only has Crucible at 3+.

You log into Billy first, because you want to get farming for them Echoes on him. This registers Crucible and Breath as available, but nothing else. Since Billy already has both registered essences at rank 3, no Echoes will drop for him, as there’s nothing he could use them to purchase. You log into Chuck. Chuck has Crucible, but not Breath, so he’ll get Echoes to drop, but thus far can only use them to purchase Breath R3, as that’s the only R3 registered that he lacks.

Finally, you see the alert and log into Allen, which registers all of the other essences (since you farmed a lot on Allen and got everything on him already). If you log back into Billy, he’ll now be able to receive Echoes, since there are now a bunch of rank 3’s registered that he doesn’t have yet. Chuck will continue to receive Echoes as well, of course, but now can spend them on any essence (since they are all registered), rather than just Breath.


That’s your problem for playing the game like Blizzard’s crappy design intended, but you’re still welcome to grind out any essence you like with any character you like. The new echoes method doesn’t do away with the old acquisition method.

Really though, you just seem salty that people got what they wanted even though it has literally no effect on your ability to grind essences the old fashioned way.

Not a good look. Very petty.


Some people just hold fast to the belief that because they did something the hard way, that no one should every have it any easier, regardless of how much they may have hated said hard way at the time. It’s a spiteful tit-for-tat mentality, based on the fairly childish notion that if anyone else gets it easier, it’s unfair! [temper tantrum]. Never mind the fact that they got their essences months earlier by doing it the hard way, and that WoW as a game has always had a concept of things becoming easier over time (whether organically through improved gearing, or intentionally via nerfs or catch-up mechanisms). Heck, even AP is that way, and I don’t see these people complaining that they got to neck rank 75 in a fraction of the time it took their main.

So ya, it’s just self-centered salt. They did it the hard way, so making it easier for others, even months later, is a “slap in the face” or some garbage.


You need to make everything account-wide. Reputations have long needed to be tied to the account. It’s absurd we’re 15 years into this archaic mindset.


I posted this last night under the hot fix by mistake so now I’m posting it here just to see if I can get an answer to the question and for some reason I doubt that I will get a straight forward answer from anyone at Blizzard but it’s worth the try.
After reading this about 5 times today it is to my understanding that you only have to have one rank 3 azerite essence to activate the new currency at this time i have 6 character’s that have a rank 4 azerite essence on them 3 of which are siting in the chamber and not one of them can activate the new currency at all along with the fact of the one that I did the Mogu assault on and did not get a thing other than what came from the chest which you use to get the item that lets you go into the horrific visions. Now my question is not getting the essences is it due to having to be a specific essence that needs to be rank 3 or not reason for asking is the FACT that no where in your post does it state that it needs to be a specific one

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I just wanted to provide feedback in response to what the blue was saying without getting into a big discussion with everyone about this because I know my position is the minority. This forum doesn’t allow that. It wasn’t a flagging/reporting thing I was referring to there.

It’s extremely confusing, which is why they should have made essences account-wide and been done with it, but as the blue post said, they have some absolute morons working for them which they have to appease by creating overly complicated systems that NO ONE is happy with. You’d think someone with sense would grow some balls and tell those moron coworkers to shut the hell up because they’re ruining the game, but all the balls-having leaders at Blizz have retired or moved on. Now they’d rather sing kumbaya with their coworkers than make a good game.

I discovered I have one Rank 3 essence on my Ally Druid. But in doing all of my daily activities on my Horde Monk [the assaults, which should give me 200 Echoes currency], I have no currency at all. So, figure that one out. System is broken already just like everything else in this expansion; Bugs for Azeroth persists.