Obtaining Rank 3 Essences on Alts

Actually you can read back prior to my post, when I asked if we can get those echoes back, everyone was just asking nicely. None of us are being toxic, until I saw that freaking twitt that starts with “No.”.

I’ll give you an example:

You can still earn Echoes through other activities, but we won’t be providing any that were missed. ^KAL

You notice the word “won’t”?


I’ve logged on to my main toon that has the rank 3 essences and the currency but Mother says it’s locked. Why?

Trust me there has been a lot of it over the past 719 posts, many from before the 2nd blue post.

I’m logged on to the toon that fits all of the requirements and it still has the red lettering: “Learn Rank 3 Life-Binder’s Invocation on another character to unlock this essence.” I HAVE RANK 3!! What, I have learn it on a second one before I can buy it? Might want to test this stuff before releasing it.

I’m now waiting for blizzard fanboys to say that they don’t have that problem and no one they know has that problem and I haven’t done something that isn’t specified and I’m somehow supposed to read minds… ‘well have you done this? Have you done that? You obviously don’t know what you’re doing noob.’

actually Gear is by far the easiest thing to get. barely an inconvenience. just jump trough a few hops of gear break points and you can be pushing keys and be at a decent point with minimal time /played.
the essesnces are… were a fixed "you are not getting it unless you stop gear grinding and start rep grinding and making 0 progress for at least 2 weeks to a month.

Corruptions are a major power factor but usually you can end up with a few with a little effort. far less effort now though given there are more guaranteed drops.

But besides that, its not “my” argument its a argument.
some Players want their effort to mean something and not be rendered pointless. kind of like the mythic raider not getting gear but then happens to pop in to lfr and some random player who doesn’t know how to play their class gets a Max level titan forge of the bis item the Mythic raider was hoping for.
Best gear from the “easiest content” but with essences.

imo its a good thing though.

oh and your hypothetical 405 ilvl feral druid should be at least 445 at the end of the week given how easy it is to get gear, and now essences and corruptions. should be no real difference preventing them from out performing the others listed short of not knowing how to play the spec. :thinking:

They most certainly did not test this beyond “does it cause our servers to catch fire.” Wonky unlocks, characters who already know r3 of an essence seeing that essence pop up in a vendor, echoes reward making the Unshackled emissary quest break, etc.

Seems like what happened is Blizzard was stubborn for so long that they tanked the player base and this was their usual “run around like headless chickens when the consequences catch up” reaction. Messy, sloppy, poorly communicated.

Hope someone above Ion is taking notice of the messes he keeps delivering.


A comment of mine was removed as “offensive” because I was questioning if it was a bug before they clarified that you need to log into another character with the essences first.

So lemme restate my disdain for this entire system again.

I don’t want to grind on toons I’ve already done the grind on. It’s not fun. It’s not how I want to spend my time playing an alt. It’s not how I want to spend my time ending BFA.

Take your stance you are having in Shadowlands with the covenants and alts and apply it here to the dang essences. I’ve done the content already, speaking in terms of the 4th wall I already know the grinds and stories. Let me just grab what I need and go into the content I WANT to play. Spending 2-4 weeks grinding out echos is NOT the solution we wanted or asked for. Some people may be fine with that, but I’m not. I have limited time to play the game and alts and I want to maximize my enjoyment in the expansion where I can. If I want to grab an alt and go hop into m+, I should be able to grab the essences I want (provided I’ve unlocked them via neck level which is the only “gate” that should be in place now) and go. I shouldn’t need to say “hmm… if I want focusing iris, I need to grind out a week or so of echos or weigh that against another essence to work on”. It’s arduous and for what? It’s the end of the xpac. Just make them truly account bound. I’d rather have to go buy the rank 3 for 5k gold per than have to deal with the echo grind trade off.

That said, I get it’s not THAT big of a grind, but that’s not the point. When I have an alt of every class, and each one has 4 essences, and I have to consider that grind time 10+ characters I’ve neglected because BfA has been super alt unfriendly… that time adds up quickly.



Are you trying to collect Echoes and buy essences on a character that already has the essences obtained? Sorry, your post makes it sound like you are so I’m a bit confused.

Can this not be done while you do the things mentioned above?

You want essences pre-120?

If you’ve “already done the grind” on said toons… This means you should have Rank 3 essences already right?

What content is it you want to play?

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What you guys seem to fail to consider is the effect of these on people who actually went out and played the game as you designed without complaining.

You really really need to start doing that more before you cave into complaints, if you don’t you run the risk of people deciding the optimal way to do your content is to spend time on the forum complaining until it is changed rather than doing the content.

I play this game for character progression. If I wanted to play an account progression game, this is not the game I would be playing.

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Why can’t you play it for character progression?


Not interested in getting into a discussion with you. I was responding to the blue to remind them why some people are playing this game.

Seems like you’re just looking to harp at blizzard for no reason. You can play at your own pace, and play for character progression regardless can you not?

Sounds to me like you are just trying to pick a fight for no reason. Just go find something better to do.

is that not what this is?

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Well if the blue thinks I was trolling them they can do exactly the same as I did.

I’m glad we’ve come to an understanding. Have a nice day.

I seriously doubt it because you seem to fail to recognize who I was responding to. It is unfortunate this forum doesn’t allow for personal messaging because I would have pm that post to the blue if I could because it wasn’t intend for anyone else.

Can you not play the game for character progression? Does Billy having rank 3 essences on his alt druid affect your gameplay in any way?