Obtaining Rank 3 Essences on Alts

I’m not sure what you mean. Do you think we are having an argument or something?

All I said was that one character had benefited from the new system.

a legit question, so say my only healer way behind of escences and gear cand do assaults, too big to be tackle alone, weak if you will

I think Blizzard this is a good attempt but I am a bit concerned that this is Bind on Pick up when it probably should have been Bind on Account.

You have to get the currency on the character that wants the upgrade. The currency is bind on pickup so you cannot send it to another toon.

Assaults, Visions, BGs, super low rated arenas, then cap Conquest by joining WPvP groups. That’s how I’ll be doing it. Should net me a couple of essences on that character and then I’ll finish out the others I need the normal way. He’ll have his four in a week or so. Not the account wide essences I wanted but it’s definitely better than not wanting to play him at all because of the essence grind.

thats the thing i played my character i wanted the currency on and I did not get it from the visions or the assaults

Nothing from Paragon chests? Does this fall under Emissary or do we not receive currency from these?

You have to first log on to whatever character of yours has a Rank 3. You cant start coallecting them until you do that.

? You can get multiple on one alt per week. You have to put in some effort. Multiple characters are a luxury anyway… It’s only a nightmare if you dont have a lot of free time. If that’s the case you shouldn’t be playing alts anyway… Stop crying…

i still need to run 8.2 content to get Vitality Conduit on my shaman LOL, its ok Shadowlands will fix it

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You’ll be alright. Try a different class.

and thats exactly the point why this is not alt friendly, is killing time thing ultil shadowland, wow ahs better content to get than a temporal must ahve gimick to have a spot ina group activity

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What content would you do if you had r3 essences on your alts?

raids, M+, bgs, helplow guildies with other than mail gear, have fun playing other classes and specs, hell even leveling more classes to 120, monk healers dounds good, but cant do nothing of it, have to grind (yaaaay)

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Well, that’s 300 less echoes for all players – they just removed it from emissary rewards because they couldn’t figure out how to fix Unshackled emissary without completely removing Echoes.


weird i didnt have any issue with emissary, even the older ones that were not showing the new currency would drop the currency. I guess that’s because I had the reflex to log on all my rank 3 characters first.

this is stupid I don’t want the currency now its going be another thing just collecting dust

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Indeed, I said this from the moment it was announced. Instead of setting it up to be truly alt-friendly by making the currency account bound, they made it BoP. So if people have all the Rank 3s they need on their main, the currency is useless.


even if no one can understand it.

So wait does this mean if i dont have a rank 3 essence on any characters i wont start getting the currency on any char till i do?