Obtaining Rank 3 Essences on Alts

They never want the players hoarding resources why would you expect anything different?

everything in this blue post is just what needed to happen it just needed to happen on the release of 8.3 but as the saying goes “better late then never” :slight_smile: really tho i think the amount of Echoes of Ny’alotha seem fair to me for the completion of said activities yall did good <3

I’ll never understand this precise mentality. I’m not even necessarily in favor of just randomly granting people essences.

The amount of time it takes to get good gear with good azerite traits, level up your neck enough to get all the traits (starting from the lowest point), getting good weapons, trinkets, and jewelry, is already a huge barrier to “toppling others” mains.

Let’s call this what it is:

People who have done the work don’t want others to get something that they worked for. It doesn’t matter if the content is outdated now, they worked for it and the idea of people getting it for cheaper now is upsetting to them. People who complain about having to do outdated content are labeled entitled.

This is nothing more than that.

My brand new ilvl 405 ilvl Feral Druid isn’t going to out compete a 455 Feral Druid, or a 443 Ret Paladin, or a 468 Shadow Priest, just because he gets Essences. His gear is poorly optimized, lacks ideal azerite traits, and his cloak is basically non-existent.

If you want to forge an argument against alts getting Essences, you’re more than welcome to. You need, however, to be willing to give legitimate points of argument. “Topple mains” is a farce of an argument given the 3 other systems they need to shore up to be meaningful, with gear being by far the largest outlier, azerite traits being the next most important, and corrupted effects being very important. Essences are the dead-last factor in overall staying power.

You need to come up with an argument that can’t be proven wrong for your argument to carry weight. Right now it doesn’t.


30k honor for BotE is not “trying something out at least once.” It’s a tedious slog that’s nestled between filing taxes and getting a root canal with respect to how much fun I derive from it.

You’ll never get me to enjoy PvP no matter how much PvE power you lock behind participating in it.


So I’m guessing this is already broken? Everybody in my guild got currency out of their M+ box and my shaman which finished a 17 last week got literally none of my box.

I get they’re not BOA, and I’m all for BOA essences. But this isn’t bad. What were you going to do with rank 3 essences? Dungeons probably? maybe raid? The same thing you’re going to be doing to unlock those essences now. So what if you dont have r3 on all 4 at this very moment. You can do multiple characters in a week if you have time… I wanted BOA essences, but i’m happy with this.

Player positive features? Not a chance, everything needs a grind. What did you mistake this for? The good days of WoW?

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Didn’t get any either, did a 14.

I’m going to take a guess and say that you need to log into your characters with Rank 3’s first before your alts recognize it, meaning those of us that opened the box prior to that got screwed.


I don’t think that’s it because this character also received zero from its box.

You can literally get 400 in one day every Tuesday…

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It takes time to get 3-4 horrific visions worth of currency…

My priest here didn’t get any from either chest while my alliance paladin got the correct amount.

So to provide some numbers - on my alt, I did an 11, and hit rival.

The 11 gave me 220 Echoes of Ny’alotha.
The rival box gave me 250.
That’s pretty good! Busted, but good. For doing some pretty average / normal content, you get a free bee almost. I know rival is a lot harder for some people, but the 220 from the M+ box alone is nice.

Both characters might have the same Rank 3’s then, or you did it backwards and logged onto your most progressed second? Those are my guesses.

I logged onto a character that has no Rank 3’s and he sees the currency in the UI (since it shows up in queue panes), but logging back onto my main shows none of it again.

I would have assumed so, but ppl are saying they received some today…

some people got them, other didn’t…

I didn’t get any in mine, a friend got 450 for a 12

You got echoes from this week’s chest? 'cuz I didn’t.

Yay another currency grind woo hoo!!


Yeah, I couldn’t even see the essences in order to purchase any until I logged in on the first character who got them all. No tokens in either the PvP or M+ box.

Apparently you have to log into your main first to get the echoes. Yay bugs.

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