Bumppp tweet @warcraftdevs pls
Not once in 20 years has the unsheath animation had your character actually reach for the hilt bozo. They just put their hand ambiguously in the air and shing its there.
Doing the lights work kydrav
Give me a reason to care about 2.4 zzzz
Add the sword, blizzard
All the time they spent on shipping the mediocre weapon illusion with the season came from actually having a full armory of weapon mogs.
Never forget they spent 3 months copy and pasting the walruses in northerns incense smoke effects. FROM WTOLK LMAOOOO
Bumping also made a reddit post in /worldofpvp:
never seen a dranei care so much bout tmog
Appreciating cool swords is a concept that transcends race, culture, age. Everyone loves cool freakin swords
racist sir
Cant wait for dranei warlocks
Fridge is master race, maybe we’ll get some Eredar customizations for warlock (dh in future?).
based fridge has been speaking for ages
why isn’t this fixed yet
We didn’t even get a 2h Sword in S1, pls give S2.
no worries theyll announce it right at the last 2 days like they did with the pennant of its release
Fractures of Time ‘In Development’ is up, posted in there.
Go support if you’d like!
Bump arms might want that crit/vers wep now after nerfs ontop of the elite wep skin