Obsession with Primordial Wave must end

I have been a shaman since this game launched. In the history of this class I have never seen developers obsessed with weaving in a talent like Primordial Wave. I truly dislike this talent for many reasons but the main one being Farseer being tied to it. Surely there was a way to design this without Primordial wave dependence.

I haven’t had true fun on my shaman since shadowlands and the addition of primordial wave lol


It doesn’t even feel particularly good to press. Great I get to do a minor cleave heal on a 30 second cooldown. What the hell is chain heal for then? Of all the Shadowlands talents they could have picked from they pick this garbage


I agree. Requires multiple button presses (and talents) to actually feel the effect making it feel slow. Plus the fact that it applies/overlaps one of your basic spells always felt odd.

I’d prefer they build Flame Shock spread in innately (like they’re doing with enh) or through talents and go a different direction with Primordial. Maybe somehow merge it with Elemental Blast since it feels a little odd in the kit also.


Still bothers me we got pwave of all things from them instead of calling on heroic ancestors to fight by our side like the hero talent does?

Anyway. VALIDATION! Everyone like to slobber all over pwave far to much. Like dogs with toilet water even though they have a large fresh bowl of water always there!!


I’m one of those weirdos that really like the skill. Admittedly, moreso before they nerfed the crap out of lava burst before the expansion started - But I like hitting that button and then shooting out 4 lvb at a single target (2 + overloads) with a single cast.


pwave is absolutely fine and a much better option than the rest of the terrible SL abilities for shaman were.


If they want to make Pwave our big spender that could work but having it weaved into AoE is just insane. For multiple targets I have chain lightening as elemental and earthquake.

I dont pick that talent. I dont like it either . Nobody is forcing you to use it


If you like farseer you have to choose it. Sure keep the talent but do not tie the ability to Hero Talents.


Arg you are right. Elemental farseer requires PW. Booh. I guess i will always remain Stormbringer.
Bad design choice. Because at least resto does not need it, Ancestor is triggered by a different talent.

This is the worst of all shadowlands abilities and I don’t know why it is still alive.

Consider other SL abilities like Convoke, Abom Limb, Shifting Power. These abilities are actually fun to press or otherwise meaningful to builds, big flashy effects.

Prim Wave is garbage tier sadly.

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And Vesper Totem, Chain Harvest, and Fae Transfusion were far worse. I’ll throw a bone to Chain Harvest but people overhype “Red Chain Lighting”.

For Enhance Pwave was the bowl of water during DF. The issue is that there was minimal options to choose if you didn’t want to play Pwave.

The issue is for Ele’s pwave isn’t a choice between a bowl of water or the toilet. It was a choice between the toilet or nothing because of a tier set making it mandatory. Or its a choice between the toilet or sucking on a moldy towel for moisture because there aren’t any strong options when its not mandatory. Farseer its mandatory but you have piss to choose from to play with Stormbringer single target. That said Pwave is fine IMO for Farseer simply because you can just insta cast the Lava Burst because of AS. Ele quite literally has no other option while Pwave gets CDR from FoL (which is going away soon).

Ikinda like that for Stormbringer M+ its not primarily a huge damage spender since it feels less horrible if you’re not able to do optimally or mess it up. It’s still a bust AoE ability but LMT itself does more damage that the Lava Bursts. Its most now just a Haste Steroid CD and a way to generate a huge amount of Maelstrom if you hit a lot of targets which really helps at the start of pulls when low of resources. On bosses in M+ it feels kinda meh outside the little haste amp.

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Wtf are you on about?

Aside the main skill itself, the subsequent talents have been murdered.

Pwave is a great ability.

And for elemental, I can’t see an issue with it. Like at all. the only shame is that flash will no longer reduce it’s Cd in a short while.

I miss Fae Transfusion.


they are guys that dont know what they said pwave its a great skill and the buff its great

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Which is fine to like it but there where people who lusted over it like it was the only way to play. There was a huge DPS loss if i didn’t use it which i didn’t cause i don’t raid.

And the manditory was a huge issue which is why i’m against it. I’m against things that try to funnel a whole classes rotation and aspect around one single move.

Yeah, a bit hyperbolic way to phrase it but not huge on it myself. I wouldn’t normally take it, but already insisting on enhance totemic cause I prefer it. So for now, need every bit of dps I can squeeze out.

Its just awkward, makes a flame shock on the target and then you gotta use lightning bolt within the ‘buff’ window? Personally would feel a lot better if it just DID the lightning bolt on all flame shock targets, but otherwise prolly wouldn’t take it if I didn’t need it

yea the huge set up for a single payoff feels clunky at best with pwave.

Venthyr’s Chain Harvest was 10000% better than Pwave

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