Observations from leading AV for Alliance in the past 2 weeks

This isn’t about getting the battle away from SH. Ally turtle at SH because it’s a great place to farm HKs.

Ally are not trying to win now because the goal is rep.

In the previous months however Ally discovered that due to map imbalance they had to severely out skill the horde team to win SF and get on even terms.

The map is imbalanced , it is what it is.
Ally don’t have to play AV, the ones that feel they do are there for rep.
Horde don’t have to ease up and stop playing scorched earth. They could and it would improve their outcome by slowing encouraging casual ally to que again but there’s no one forcing them too.
Classic is not about balance and AV is just fine the way it is.

An those people play AB an WSG premades. Why do they do that I wonder?

Because they want rank 13 and rank 14 purples.

Right. If your goal is to farm rep and then lose on purpose, do not follow my strategy. My strategy is for trying to win.

Alliance want to have fun in PVP, so why que for AV?

I mean they do, they just do it in Wargames now - because Blizzard won’t let horde and alliance do 40vs40 queues.

The best possible AV for both sides, rep and honor-wise, is a race. Even if you lose you get a quick game. That means don’t take SF or SH unless the other team is past you. The two teams need to get past each other for fast games.

The problem is the queues but this started with 15 minute queues. They’ve only gotten this bad because of the change to a turtle strat that greatly favors the horde. That means alliance win a lot less, queue a lot less, horde queue times go up. Now horde don’t want quick games because of 2 hour queues, they want to milk out all honor.

So the quick games aren’t coming back without a major shake-up. But that’s the history of not taking those GY. Alliance said similar things.

Trying to win at what purpose. You get more honor faster in AB an WSG, so rankers arent going to play AV, and without rankers to fight the horde rankers your left with rep farmers. Do you think re farmers are there to win in AV?

So the solo ques also abandon AV. An horde have 3 hour ques because the map is awful, an offers nothing but rep for one faction.

This is intentionally dishonest.

The complaint is that IBGY is far easier to defend than SHGY. Horde can send 20 to defend IB and 20 to assault SH and assuming ally sent 30 to IB and 10 remained at SH. 9/10 times with two evenly skilled teams IB get defended and SH get taken. This is plain and simply due to the difference in distance to reinforce a soft cap at SH vs IB.

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Your strategy puts ally no closer to winning than farming rep.
Unless of course the ally team vastly out gears / skills the horde.
Which tbf ally will never find out now aday, because previous outcomes lead to this meta.

While I more or less agree I was just trying to showcase how strats change when the opposition (in combination with queue times) does something different.

The alliance want to race and the horde isn’t giving them that option. So that tells me the alliance should be doing something else because the horde and the map are not omnipotent.

I don’t do a whole heck of a lot of AV these days, maybe 3 games a week - but even then an alliance team will occasionally mobilize 20 people and ride for FW or just sit in a tower or kill elites or galv, etc and the horde is so thrown off by this they almost don’t know how to react except to just zerg to the spot.

I could go on but my point is there is plenty of opportunity in AV for the alliance to win more than a handful of games. They just don’t and that’s their choice which is fine by me just don’t blame me for it.

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Some people pvp for fun and not just to get maximum honor/rep per hour.

I was mocking the person I was responding to. I’ve already addressed the fact that you shouldn’t be rushing straight to IB GY from SH GY without getting SF GY, but alas, it has all fallen on deaf ears.

So horde have Rankers, casual pvpers, reppers and afks

Allaince have reppers and afks. An the odd casual PVPer that hasnt figured out AV isnt fun to lose 99% of the time.

Why have the allaince rankers stopped playing AV and the horde ones stayed? Can you not put this together?

I only gave you the first two steps but then realized I was wasting my time. You won’t listen.

Horde rankers are running premades in AB and WSG bud. Don’t know when the last time you played AV was, but clearly not any time recently.

Horde AV is higher HPH then premade WSG an AB. Its in fact a higher guarantee then WSG or AB an its an easy 6k honor with static and HK’s.

So clearly more recent then you.

The queue is 2 hours long, baseline. If you’re running WSG and AB, it’s even longer. The games take 20 minutes bare minimum, and are usually more like 40 minutes. It is not an easy 6k honor - that’s only in games that go a long time where Horde control literally everything, have summoned Lok, and the game has gone past 30 minutes. Compare that to AB which can be over in less than 3 minutes and awards ~2k bonus honor for a win. 6k honor in 30+ minutes or 2k honor in 3 minutes. Easy choice for rankers.

If they get a Pug to stomp, IF, an thats a big if when every ranker on the opposing faction is premading those 2 BG’s. Rankers don’t want competition, and there is 0 competition in AV for horde.

Plenty of solo-queuers in AB and WSG to stomp. And if you go up against another premade, every person on their team is high rank and worth a ton of honor per kill, which helps make up for the fact that the game won’t be over in 2 minutes.