Observations from leading AV for Alliance in the past 2 weeks

By having SF you double your rezzes. Say you hold IBGY and SFGY, depending on where you die in the field you rez at either one. 10 can rez at each for a total of 20 possible.

So, yes, SF is a huge boost to your team. Unfortunately the horde have much easier access to it due to start location.

I think thats pretty silly. People who have never played wow/MMO learning an playing it for the first time. VS people who have been playing it for 14 year along side other harder MMOs are going to have far broader understanding of game mechanics and ways to optimize them.

I hate retail as much as the next guy but any mythic raider is going to think classic is a joke. An it is, its just a nostalgia joke.

No thats wrong, if you die at IBGY an have SFGY capped you res at SFGY, its doesnt divide you up an optimize your ressing.

People also played MMOs before WoW and came in with experience. Most of last 14 years has been on a far different game, you weren’t learning Vanilla. Even on private servers they were much different.

No, the ease of the game mostly comes from it being on the wrong patch for the content.

And note that i said “depending on where you die in the field“, as in the Field of Strife. Not at IBGY.

So you think after taking SFGY an holding SHGY the next move is to die randomly around the field of strife, not to take IBGY? cause your gonna res at SFGY if you die at the IBGY choke point

MMOS before wow, mmos after wow it doesnt matter. Games have also gone from 200 ping being good to awful, an computers at 15 fps to 120. Yes thepacth increases DPS, it doesnt change the boss mechanics to which there are a pitiful amount. Classic is the easiest MMO on the market bar none.

Yes, in 15 years of AV I never learned the map, and I want to sabotage your team to lose because you don’t already lose. Heck, if I can get you to lose fast enough, maybe your entire team won’t queue for AV at all and my favorite BG will be gone forever! Darn you, you exposed my master plan to deceive you!

Nah I already told you what to do after you take SF GY.

If the Horde fall back to it, you just made them fall back away from SH GY, which is the entire point. I described this in my post.

You will most likely die in the field of strife on the way to taking IBGY.

If you don’t take SFGY then the horde will get those rezzes instead. It’s a big deal.

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Winner winner chicken dinner. I haven’t seen the Horde take SH GY without first taking SF GY. There’s a reason it’s there.

If the horde take SFGY an control IBGY, an haven’t taken SHGY. Then I don’t even know what were talking about cause that hasn’t happened to me since week 2 of AV.

Sooner or later your team is going to coalesce at IBGY, that is not true for horde becasue they could die on the south or west side of SHGY. as alliance you will die at the choke, if your dying in mid to people you can see from max view distance? Why are you afk running into them an fighting over no objectives?

I dont get how you think 10 people are gonna res at SHGY an 10 at SFGY when the alliance only have one place to be dying at which is IBGY an IBT. Both which send you to SFGY. If your taking SFGY to deny the horde the GY, your forgetting that the horde have 3 easy targets mid and the alliance have 0. All while being undeniable of those target because of IBGY cliff.

What time of day are you playing AV?

So alliance magically teleports from SHGY to IBGY? They don’t have to run and fight in-between at all? Hmm…

Yeah his thought process seems to be:

  1. Skip everything between SH GY and IB GY.
  2. Fail to take IB GY in one easy step.
  3. AV must be impossible. Woe is me.
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No the horde will meet thee alliance at SHGY, at which point the alliance would then have to hold 2 gys+a bunker vs the IBGY cliff/choke advantage, wiping the horde multiple times before both gy’s cap, then they have the choke an tower an galv to do.

The way the alliance has won AV for the last 15 years is to abandon all defense an rush FWGY. Its just incredibly easy to stop that play.

If you want to argue against me, just point me to the premade videos that stopped at SFGY, waited till cap then went to IBGY an slowly moved up the map. I’ll be waiting patiently for those videos. But hey every homeless guy has the secret to being rich, just like every rich guy thinks he got there by hard work an perseverance not luck or circumstance. Everyone has everything figured out, if only the whole world would just listen to you right?

Why would I do that? That’s a silly strat.

“Sir, we tried to replicate the 6-minute win strategy of 40 man premades with our pug, but we failed!”

“What happened, soldier?”

“The horde wiped us at IB GY by exploiting the map!”

“What did they do?”

“They… they defended!”

“ZOUNDS! AV must be impossible for the Alliance! We’d better spend the next 3 months turtling at SH GY. It’s the only thing we can do!”

Wasn’t it like 2-3 months ago that you were an idiot hordie if you capped SF or SH?

The amount of times people got chewed out for capping IBGY back in the day. Times change an horde gotta roll that scorched earth AV experience.

Why would any alliance que up for AV other then a rep grind?

Some people enjoy pvp and don’t only use it as a vehicle to get more gear for their pve experience.