Observations from leading AV for Alliance in the past 2 weeks

I mean increasing by 13% with only 5 man in a 40 man map is decent. They should create a dummy discord server and send out invite to the people in the bg. Probably win a lot more. But thats just a guess

My god man you are dense, the people playing AV on horde are ranking. The people playing AV on alliance are fresh 52-60s rep grinding. This has changed from the ability to want to win. There is such a huge gear difference between those 2 groups.

Its likely that the horde who arent used to competition got some of it, an lost their will to fight due to attrition. As all his strats involve long drawn out games.

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So basically what youre saying is if alliance people with good gear actually showed up to av the win rate would be much closer to 50%?

Like basically all of the horde strats when we faced premades for the first 2-3 months av was released.

13% from (allegedly) 1% with only a 5-man pre-made out of 40. Do the math. Or don’t and continue playing the victim.


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Except when av was released people were mostly = gear levels, that has now become BWL gear vs 52-60s in greens an blue, or raiders AFKing for rep. So yes in equal gear, an equal standing with out premades the BG is probably pretty even.

Av would be close to 50% if the people who played WSG an AB could be convinced to go play AV. They can’t be convinced to do so because once again the people playing Horde AV arent there for a rep grind and easy gear because its not easy gear if it takes you months to get, they are there for honor, alliance is always gonna be split with Rep grinds an people failing hard to grind honor because of our short que times.

Your pitting the top geared an PVP experienced vs the bottom geared and least experienced. The Alliance PVPers are never coming back to AV despite the map being unfavorable to us, because we all do better, more often in WSG an AB? Why would we ever change that?

Its not question that in vanilla in this patch cycle alliance was wrecking the horde in AV, AV was pretty frigging elitist 14 years ago. The horde with there favorable map, better racials lost hard a lot. The honor grinders for Alliance went to AV, the horde honor grinders stayed in AB and WSG. Those groups will always avoid each other. You don’t want hard fought wins when you are ranking you want HPH an they will always go for the easy way.

Why you win an lose certain BG’s more often then not is all decided before you que up.

I can’t tell if this thread is about AV or rogue vs pally 1v1.


You heard it from one of your own folks

Except even with the Horde AV nerfs in TBC (none for alliance by the way) Horde was sitting on a 60% average win rate in AV. That is bonified data folks

so they nerfed horde but alliance still lost more than 50%?

Well yeah, the map is a strategic haven for horde. If all any one does is walk downhill, would they care to go out of their way to walk back up?

Took me 8 seconds to find where you messed up. :roll_eyes:

There’s a reason Horde players ruthlessly and relentlessly hunt down runbys and prevent backcaps.

The rest of it I can sum up in one sentence:

Why are you expecting to win games if you cannot win fights.

What’s the point of winning a fight if the other side can respawn twice as fast? If both sides are nearly equal that leaves 1 standing If alliance win they get 11 defenders. The horde get 20 respawners that get to the GY in 1/3 the time it takes alliance. The only remote chance to win is if you can somehow juke the IBGY choke point. This is the point of the tactic. Winning the war is more important than stupid skirmishes which only feed the HpH grinder that is horde AV.


Welp, you heard him boys. I guess its not even worth it winning the fight to take SPGY ever again. They just respawn way faster than we do.

Guess we’ll just sit in the cave forever waiting to lose. I’m ridin with Biden now.

Damnit, i BiN tRoLd.

P.S. SFGY is nowhere near SPGY

You literally, unironically said

What’s the point of winning a fight if the other side can respawn twice as fast?

Horde faces the same issue at SPGY. I wonder why they don’t struggle to hold it when the Alliance spawncave is 20 seconds way on a 60% mount. :thinking: Oh wait I know, it’s cuz SHAMANS right? Terrain advantage? Racials?

Again, why are you expecting to win BGs when you can’t win fights?

Edit: Oh god, it’s YOU again. Are you stalking me thread to thread trying to find out how many times I can rub the truth in your face in one night?

Let me save you the embarrassment. Stop typing.

Peace. :wave:

Look again, you replied to me first.

Edit: crap, you win this one captain underpants.

No one was ever going to argue that, god your just the worst kind of person

Except literally every alliance that says the bg favors horde because of terrain ect ect ect.

We wouldn’t repeat it so much if the truth wasn’t being dismissed as us being whiny babies. I have to say, we must be baby geniuses if we can type as well as we do being babies. As such, the title genius should provide a modicum of trust that our superior brain power has come to tested reason. Denial means I want to be on the opposite team of you if there ever comes a time where you choose where to fight.