:O bfa makes everyone tox now


Pika checks healing meters mid game just to see DH doing 11k hps, shaman doing 10k :slight_smile: just your average tank trinket players wonder whos gonna defend it because frost DK is a D tier spec.


DH is fine just train them down right???

No baseline (Ranged) slow means you can run away.





My thing is why do tanks need to heal so much in PvE that every tier warrants massve shields or passive haing for just existing


Imagine complaining about DH when they don’t even have a baseline slow :joy::joy:

Tank trinkets just shouldn’t be a thing at all in PvP. Don’t just nerf them by %, disable the effects fully.

Swear to God give me templates.


the best part comes when wizk after the game says
“look at kicks, look at how many times they kicked md”
they both had like 5 kicks on md

“there is nothing in that game i can md…”


No way, never being punished for mistakes is great gameplay! How dare players who have invested a large amount of time be upset at losing to clearly superior players in skill to them, just because they cannot adapt to the current high IQ gameplay.

This is one of the greatest seasons of all time, and I am thoroughly disappinted in seeing toxicity from “Tmpikaboo”. Remember kids, being toxic is most definitely not “the move”.

Spread peace and love while your years of experience loses to people accidentally logging into world of warcraft through an old club penguin link.


quoted for truth


This is fantastic news!

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that was like… the shirley temple of toxicity

We didn’t really make any mistakes though. We used our defensives appropriately and didn’t die. They didn’t get good cross on our healer and my dh has good reverses. If the comp was so OP and broken then where’s all of the other dh dks? Peep the ladder more than 50% of the top 100 is rogue mage but our comp is the problem? Makes sense. Most dh dks are stuck 2.4-2.5 because surprisingly how we communicate and rotate defensives matters way more than any tank items. There are teams with way better gear than our mains and they are still 2k. So how is that the factor here? People have 455 pods and urchin at 2k mmr but if the rating is so free why aren’t they playing at 2850-2900 mmr too?

People are just toxic against comps that they find annoying and every ‘random’ team are the ‘worst players’. People complain about not having queues yet they are toxic to the people trying to get into the scene. Would you rather the game completely die?

I get the frustrations that people have. The game is dampening and want something new but that doesn’t mean there is a need to be toxic to others or flame them. I am a super nice guy and try to help a lot of people in game but because of the comp I play at the mmr I do people flame us. That’s not really fair especially when we’re one of the very few people who have made it work at that level.


dont let them ruin your fun, pvp is in the state its in because these same people were asked their opinion before Legion, thats a fact. a win is a win, the items are in game…if they help you or you have fun , keep doing it. we have lost too many players in pvp to try and shame off whats left.

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Ummm idk where you’ve been but frost dk isn’t bad at all…

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Imagine thinking’s dhs need or even deserve a slow :crazy_face::joy:


Sigh here we go again :man_facepalming::man_facepalming: When are you kids gonna learn ladder rep =/= balance or whether something is op or not… not many people play dhs cause they’re a boring class you can feel your IQ dropping as you play one…

The reason people say this is because the game is so drastically slow and the input you even need to make as a player in these situations is so low that you’ll obviously never be able to make a mistake but most people have a good eye for the type of team that would completely crumble if there was any possibility for the game to be fast paced especially their team, and it’s what makes them an extremely scary tournament team.

I understand from your Pov you’re just thinking “Wow, everyone is just so toxic” but the reality is you actually don’t even get the opportunity to see what other people are seeing because the game is slowed down as much as possible for you and it minimizes so many little things that could occur. Instead of them having a difficult matchup where they could still quickly crush a team that’s less skilled than them they have absolutely 0 chance of winning especially with tank items. Like you are playing a comp with the entire goal of just stacking 3 absurdly self sufficient classes who are also using incredibly broken defensive items.

Compositions that rely on fast pacing and capitalizing on smaller mistakes and momentum will never beat a composition like that even if their opponent is truly awful but at the same time their opponents will become delusional to not realize the mistakes they would be making because of how slow the game is

If the game was fast paced that matchup still would be drastically favored but there would never be any live lording for 0 reason and if mistakes were made on your end you’d deservedly instantly lose which is pretty much how dampening comps are balanced in a good meta (stop everything with your infinite tools=you win, fail to stop things and you die).

Your position is why the game pacing is so bad though because to no fault of your own you’ve been given a false sense of how the game actually works. If it gets faster I’d sadly expect a mass amount of teams in this meta to actually get a reality check and not get close to R1 again. Normally fotm players at least learn the game when they’re able to play with good players, but when it’s this slow that opportunity just gets removed even if you’re fotm. It’s Blizzards fault but those with tons of experience already know what will happen. There was a taste of it last season when there was one DKDH team that sniped an absurd amount ended up missing R1 at the end because people actually try their hardest, do make those games slightly faster paced, and he loses the ability to get free wins. If the pressure of a title forces people to choke in the slowest possible meta, you can believe that’ll happen 1000x harder if the game is fast.


Yup I think we’ve found our new Walmart shift supervisor to stop doggo day dreaming when memphisstains comes back to reclaim the ladder


what if you needed to do more than just execute a preexisting strategy you made with an etch a sketch to guarantee victory in every game


Idk what was toxic about that clip… ngl.

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