So as I mentioned I just got my copy of Exploring Kalimdor and the passage about Ny’alotha leaves me with a lot more questions than answers. Especially this bit on page 134.
The corrupted city nearly returned to Azeroth seeking to claim the Forge of Origination for itself and it’s master.
Ny’alotha was an entity that exists outside of N’Zoth. In service to a master.
The text is worded very interestingly because is also sets up cognative dissonance with how the characters remember it, each person who encountered it had a different idea about what it was. This lends itself to the idea that reality is what the dreamer makes of it, or that each individual can manifest his/her own reality. Ny’alotha was “A Nightmare made real.” But we the heroes drove it back into slumber. N’Zoth may have been re-originated, but Ny’alotha may still manifest again.
In lovecraft mythos the one who sleeps and dreams up reality is Azathoth. Could Nyalotha be a manifestation of Azeroth’s nightmares? I think there’s a neat Lovecraft reference here.
on page 142 there’s another interesting passage. regarding a ring, the Deep Fathoms Ring, it’s a lowbie item drop for clearing Blackfathom Deeps, but that’s not the interesting bit. this next part is:
The Deep Fathom Ring ,which was guessed to come from the ocean depths of the Emerald Nightmare.
There’s no ocean in the Emerald Nightmare, not that is evident but this to me is a clear way of connecting the Emerald Nightmare with the Old God whispers, relating to the deep dark waters, drown yourself in the circle of stars and you will find him. (origninally I thought these whispers were about N’Zoth because he’s the only Old God underwater, but it’s becoming more clear that we have to delve deeper into the Emerlad Nightmare to find the master of the Old Gods.