Remember that you signed the EULA when you created your account.
You can find the whole thing here, but I think the following is of partuclar relevance to your case:
'Alterations to the Platform and Availability. Blizzard may change, modify, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the Platform, Games, or Accounts at any time, including removing items, or revising the effectiveness of items in an effort to balance a Game. Blizzard may also impose limits on certain features or restrict your access to parts or all of the Platform, Games, or Accounts without notice or liability."
Yeah, most real lawyers will tell him he has no case.
He might be able to convince Sidney Powell to take it up, but I’m also not entirely sure if Powell is still a lawyer or if she’s been disbarred at this point.
There is a forced arbitration clause, but from my understanding (at least in the US) there’s a circuit split on whether or not those are enforceable, so that would depend on where OP is.
Because sending too many tickets can come under as GM Harassment. They can’t always help with every single thing, and they have strict policies to follow, including can not just give you titles.
Honestly, if the Game Masters can’t help, then there is nothing anyone could do. If it is a bug, it is probably best to post it as a bug.
But aside from that, there isn’t much anyone else can do. And Customer Support Agents can’t do anything about it either.
You do know they are real people. They can’t just fix everything with a snap of their fingers. Most decisions in game are tend to be lend of the Game Developers, not the Game Masters. If there is a fix in the works, then there is a fix in the works. But some fixes are not as easy as “1, 2, 3 and blink.”
Oh, I disagree with Blizzard on a lot of things. Doesn’t mean I have the right to troll the forums the same way you’re doing right now.
I mean, you can try, but hey look at your twitter, and see how you have only 29 rounds win?
And then look at the achievement, same requirement was also applied for season 3,
See the "requires 50 games won in Dragonflight Season X)
It is there, I provided the link further up. Clicking on the helmet/text pops up a tooltip that shows the requirements.
Again I’ll state: if you want to see this changed and have it be posted more prominently, you will need to submit an in-game suggestion or start a new thread over in a PvP forum. No one who could see that feedback and potentially change anything comes to this specific forum.
Just describe your complaint to your lawyer, describe how you’ve been damaged, and how you expect Blizzard to make you whole. Then have them read over the EULA.
Maybe you won’t feel embarrassed, but you’ll probably look foolish.
There is no way to see any Feat of Strengh achievement in game until you earned it. That is why there is information all online in requirements for Feat of Strengh achievements, such as WoWHead for example.
It will never see a courtroom, in the EULA, all disputes are handled by binding arbitration.
Also, before this is even brought before the arbitrator, the OP will need to show proof he was harmed by not receiving the title, physically, mentally or financially. His lawyer will probably have told him that.
Sorry, champ. You didn’t meet the minimum requirement to win 50 matches. You only won 29. You didn’t even play 50 matches (per your admitted 29-20 record).
The fact that you weren’t aware of the requirements is on you.
And even if I would, you didn’t meet the requirements.
That is like blaming a state or country for breaking a law you didn’t even know about…
You failed to meet the requirements. There is a lot of information on the net on what is required to earned it. But you chosen to come in blindly, and now you’re blaming Blizzard for your own judgement.