BUG: The npc Anvilrage Overseer didnt get off combat and chased me all the way to the altar of storms ans refused to get out of combat
I recorded it 10 minutes ago
Why is this a problem? Because if you aggro one of these and theres horde around it is a death sentence. They will have an unfair advantage and you cant get this npc off you. Which only causes players to avoid the place.
It still hasnt been fixed ever since I reported it in feb 2020
Character: Exodiamaster
Realm: Yojamba
Here are the older videos
You know how bad it affects pvp when horde can kill me and I got no way to mount
and hasnt been fixed since classic wow was released.
How can something like this be allowed to exist in retail classic?
Npcs must get out of combat off of you.
Dont worry blizzard. I still love you