Now the dust has settled,what could have saved shadowlands?,generated%20a%20peak%20of%20158%2C000.

WoW thats a LOT of video games.

Sadly, the only one I would consider even close to the same kind of game (MMORPG) is FFXIV.

The rest are just the vastly inferior kind of video games for console kiddies

19.9k viewers and there’s no big WoW streamer currently online.
Not too shabby.


i quit after a month and heres a few things i think coulda saved it. back now cause 9.2.5 slime cat.

uncoupling the abilities from the covenant. could have changed the color of each abilitiy to allign the designated covenant.

Torghast could have been more inventive, it was marketed as a rogue like but i was falling asleep in there. Make it faster, make it wackey-er.

anime grinding was horrible to upgrade the covenant at the start which left me disappointed.

world quests werent fun. truth be told this is the worse iteration of world quest. i enjoyed legion barrel, bfa line uncrossing, even those turtles werent thatthat bad.

Faster patches, there where too many dead periods where months passed and no new patch. better schedual. legion had it best with a smorgous borg of content. do what you want when you want.


Twitch viewer numbers don’t mean anything for a game’s popularity. They are only indicative of what big streamer happens to be on that day. Asmongold could stream WoW right this second and the catagory would instantly go to number. Please stop posting fake news.

I say this as a WoW Player and FFXIV Enjoyer. Stop.


Ion being fired.


BFA did have really fun World Quest mini games. I loved the turtles one, and the line tracing one. The stupid puzzles in Axshara were neat, too.


the line tracing was such a paint in my butt. hated it. hated it so darn much. legit took me 10 mins.
worse eyes in the world


Pulling the ripcord by 9.0.5 if what Ion says was true that they had no intention of carrying the systems past Shadowlands.

There was never any thing hinting at this even being a remote possibility.

Guys, shadowlands sold millions of copies, but two years later not a lot of people are watching other people play it. Time to close up shop.


paid viewers and viewbotting, apparently.

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Play the game…
The game is fantastic, so sorry you listened to the Forum.


Ion said it in either the Twitter live interview he did along with Danuser with Taliesin or the Asmongold interview .

At the risk of being on-topic, I would have appreciated a different approach to the reward structure. The specific case that really hamstrung my interest in Shadowlands was the Covenant Armor Set I built up on my paladin. It only cost anima, and it seemed like the natural progression from leveling and questing. So I upgraded each piece, figuring this would make me ready for heroics (which I enjoy), but it turned out I was completely outgearing them.

In hindsight, it’s clear the intent was to use this armor to get started in M+. My only problem with that is I don’t enjoy M+. I’ve tried it, in groups with friends, and gotten so frustrated I broke my mouse. That’s a “me” problem, but it’s clear that M+ and I aren’t compatible. So there I was, all dressed up and nothing I wanted to do. And this was before 9.1!

I came back for a month just recently, chewed through 9.1 and 9.2 in about two weeks (I quite liked Korthia, to be honest), then puttered around on alts and the forums until my time’s up. If the oh-so-easy to get armor hadn’t been QUITE so good, I probably would have actually stuck around a bit to work on replacing it at the time, instead of just loading up on Korthia/ZM vendor gear months later.


First the patch cadence and the length between patches hurt SL a lot. But for the purposes of this discussion, I will only talk about the gameplay of the expansion which I think would have improved it.

First: Freely Swapping Covenants with Account Wide Renown from day 1. Allowing players to, if they choose bounce between the covenants and their abilities and try everything out would have been a great start.

Covenant Class Abilities a Talent Row. Allow players to freely swap between class abilities like talents. Leave the covenant abilities and soulbinds tied to covenants along with cosmetics. Simply, let the players just play with the new toys.

Legendary Equipment. This was a total failure. The legendary equipment should have been for Necklace, Cloak, Waist or Rings Only. And the powers should have been able to be swapped in and out of them like the shards of Domination. In my opinion, legendary crafting hurt the expansion so much, because ultimately the sheer cost of them, made players not willing to try many of the powers and just craft what icy-veins said sims the best.

Torghast: Have a gear vendor and have the currency for the gear be what drops in Torghast. Make it a viable option to gearing, but not a mandatory weekly thing. Let people do the endless climb for rating and bragging rights. Add more cosmetic options, and have anima drop in there. Also continually add in new powers and remove dull ones.

Account Wide Reps: I didnt even bother with the Korthia Grind and am really not bothering much with the Zereth Mortis Grind. Mostly because my main doesnt really need the unlocks, and I am not going to grind my alts who do need them through it multiple times.

Better Rewards for Emissary Quests. The daily emissary quest rewards often had useless gear, or once done, just a bag of grey crap to vendor off. Either just give a 2k gold reward, or make them actually feel good to complete. Imagine if emissary quests rewarded gold, Stygia and soul ash from day 1?

Remove the bag clutter. From the artifact research, to the anima things. There was so much garbage funneled into our bags to vendor, it is irritating. We dont need grey items and random garbage to sell. Just drop gold, uncommon to epic items on occasion, and cloth or crafting mats. This is a minor gripe, but one none the less.

The Maw: Putting the Eye of the Jailer and the no mounting in the maw, was just and utterly negative gaming experience. It just felt like we were being punished for playing the game. It should have never been a thing. And mounting in the Maw should have been allowed at day one.

Flying: Once reaching max level, just give us flying. Honestly all it adds is convenience to the game. The routine of getting it taken away every expac, then getting it back later in the expansion, after a some rep grinds and pathfinder wore so thin this expansion, I am sure there were people who just threw their arms up and quit the game over it.


Identifying major player demographics and determining how best to serve them to keep them playing and paying before beginning development, rather than creating a complete expansion and just expecting everybody to be so addicted that they would never quit. This would require them to develop the expansion for the playerbase they have rather than some fantasy elite esports demographic that doesn’t exist in large enough numbers to support the game. This would also require them to stop trying to force casuals to stop being casual.

By the time an expansion goes into beta it is already too late to change stupid stuff that they should have known better than to make part of it.


The dust hasn’t settled, people are still going to be up in arms about SL. The day of the launch of next expansion they’ll be up in arms about that one for a few years then.

Hated the line tracing but loved the “Untangle the ley Lines” quest… Was my favorite

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