Now that the dust has settled, why did shadowlands fail?

Compared to what? More alt friendly than most of legion and BFA tbh.

Meaning you have to do a long boring storyline just to get your chars to the main city. You have to do that for each alt…not friendly for alts.

For what it’s worth, keys were one of my favorite things to do in SL. Probably the only thing that saved it for me, as I didn’t really care much for the main storyline/quests etc.

People have made some great points in this thread, so I won’t repeat those.

However, I still think exploring death was the biggest lore mistake Blizz has made. Your faith has no meaning and there’s a possible chance you’ll cease to exist if you’re killed in the afterlife? That sounds depressing as hell lol.

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Appropriate name

Well think again!

WoW isn’t the game to play if you want agency in storylines. That’s been true since Vanilla: “Wow, this troll guy seems really shady, do I have to keep helping him? Maybe I should investigate him more, or try to stop him.” Well, if you don’t help him, you don’t get the loot, and not helping him doesn’t have any effect on the story, all it means is you abandoned the quest chain. You can’t stop him or do anything other than the quest chain on rails. So, sorry. If you can’t reconcile yourself to that, then WoW has never been the game for you.

That’s not true at all. You can skip all that for alts.

Such as?

/10 char

There were two factors that led to me leaving SL for a significant portion of the expansion: the severe content drought prior to 9.1; and poor storytelling.

Add in the law suits and loads of bad press about the work environment at Blizzard Entertainment, and I needed to leave for a while.

It honestly felt like a second job just to stay current. Making an alt you could count the days away and the grind was unbearable. You felt you had to commit to one main character to be relevant.
Mind you when Zerith released it was what Shadowlands should’ve had going for it all along. Easy catch up and alt friendly.
Wasn’t a horrible expansion but it didn’t get the stream light deserved for being such a huge part of lore.

The systems were why, while they didn’t add much borrowed power, along with not adding a scaling power grind. They instead instead time gated all systems as much as they could, and for as long as they could. Which meant legendary base items stayed stupid expensive until ZM when they finally did someone about the outrageous cost. Covenants were locked until 9.1.5 which meant in a game where spec swapping was and is a constant, you simply couldn’t do that anymore due to covenant restrictions. Then you had domination shards that lasted a single tier due to how awful they were to obtain, and how time gated they made upgrading the shards to be. Like they literally ripped them out of the game when 9.2 launched, when the point of any borrowed power gained is to be carried over typically and enhanced.

The whole issue with shadowlands is how many times they gut punched you with hard stops or time gates. Due to them fearing that if they didn’t do that then it would mean no one would play anymore.

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offt. Dont remind me of those. Probably the worst system they’ve implemented to date. The fact also that took them a few months to fix the issue that you also need specific gear to actually activate the shard’s bonus and if you’re unlucky you’re pretty much screwed with how much power gain is lock within it. Had a guildy who ran lfr-heroic every week just to get the helm and only got it at the end of the tier

For me it was covenant restrictions and horrible balance later on.

Through out like…all of SL. You could skip chunks and only have to do the most current patch story.

Once again. Compared to previous expansions that has been better.

It was a couple of hours of questing.

What did it do horribly worse?

The stellar storylines of Legion/BFA? The even worse alt-friendliness?

If bad story telling was a reason you left SL, I am absolutely stunned you were in WoW to begin with.

WoW has absolutely always had bad expansion arc story telling, since day 1.

locking pvp gear behind rating killed casual pvp.

quite literally the dumbest thing they ever did. wow.

what were they thinking?

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  1. The horrendous writing. Truly awful drivel:
  • Nipples man being retconned as being behind everything. But also he wasn’t because with his last breath he warns us there’s something even bigger and badder out there?
  • Treating Arthas like a fart in the wind.
  • Everyone’s really a transformer?
  1. The Maw:
  • We went you doing stuff in The Maw, but not too much stuff otherwise we’ll punish you.
  • But we’ll punish you less if you grind some currency for rep with some lady.
  • Also you’re not allowed to mount up in The Maw because it’s supposed to feel like some hellish nightmare (until we let you anyway). Which is was, just not in a fun way.
  1. Systems, currencies, and legendaries
  • Conduits were a truly forgettable system. I just could not be stuffed engaging with it.
  • A different currency (sometimes multiple) for every patch because there is so little content we have to retard your progress by making you grind yet another currency.
  • The Legendary system was so convoluted it took me about two-thirds of the expansion’s lifespan before I even got one, which I’m sure wasn’t BiS and I got wrong at least twice crafting things I couldn’t even use because I hadn’t sunk the gold and materials into the base items.

Otherwise, I had fun.

What this person said. I quit SL faster than any other expansion because of how bad everything was. The last time I touched the game was before the summer.

I loved Shadowlands at first, but the extremely childish and nonsensical writing and the lack of FUN things to do in it’s updates killed it for me. The zones were also pretty boring and going through them without flying felt kinda ugh

Edit: Can’t quite think of what I didn’t like about them exactly, but the raids also bored the hell out of me

Everyone knows it failed cause all the dev time was spent into making choreghast and because they spent so much time making it they made it into forced content.