Now that the dust has settled, why did shadowlands fail?

For me it was the time Gated quests and renown. That pissed me off and I got sick of waiting to play the game.

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So it’s important to note that Shadowlands didn’t really “fail” by metric of play. If we remove Legion as the outlier expansion, Shadowlands has had the least drop off of any WoW expac since peak.

That aside, the question is still fair. Many people mentioned the story being bad, but the story was SPECTACULAR if you actually already had a large depth of WoW lore. Many people felt Sylvanas’s actions made no sense. Your perspective of her actions are largely framed by a Horde v Alliance v Forsaken perspective; you only get a facet of her from each. Shadowlands does a GREAT job at bringing them all together, but ONLY if you have the Forsaken knowledge.

People cannot appreciate who utterly well written SL was, because it requires over a decade of indepth lore to do so.

And the maw patch. They had to have developed the patch well before the player base decided they hated the Maw, annnnnddd…that likely forced the ZM pivot

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The renown thing is dumb but whatever they wanna do to piss people off i guess…I’m sure there some kind of system like it in DF.

Pick any of the 2000plus threads on this. Any are right.

In this case, bad storytelling is relative to WoW. Yes, if you compare WoW to other MMOs, the storytelling in general is not as good; BUT, SL was awful even compared to previous WoW expansions. (Forced redemption arcs, massive retconning to essentially make the Jailer the big baddie since the beginning of WoW, Arthas turning into a fart cloud, Garrosh being milked and then dying an unapologetic a**hole, the list goes on and on and on…).


Yes i left several of my alts in the Maw once when i quit. I returned about 6 weeks ago i think and it was much more fun. We had catchup gear to make the slog go faster I completed 2 or three of the covenant stories . I will finish them all(all different alts) so i might go back to finish them on toons with different armor just to get the transmog. The main story on several alts.

One regret never got to do the first raid i could never find anyone to do it. So hopefully in a few xpacs if wow is still around I will go back and solo it.

Arthas had his closure when we killed him back in Lichking. They should stop bringing back NPCs when their story is complete. Complete means over. They probably should never have sat Bolvar on the chair they should have left him dead.

The next expansion should have been cleaning up the scourge mess. The concept there must always be a lich king is dubious considering how much work they probably didn’t want to do to de-blight the entire world. But that’s what we should have been doing. Killing off lesser leaders of the scourge and finding a way to prevent itself from igniting again. But alas what did we get cata rather then repair the world they blew it up even more. Azaroth (sp) should simply be renamed Argus 2.0

Actually most are wrong. They assume that Shadowlands failed but there is no proof that it did. Blizzard is a business and if their product made more money than it cost to produce, it was a success. Do you know one way or another if SL made money or lost money?

I like the Drathry as well but I already know I am not maining them not at all. Their just isn’t much there that other classes don’t already have or do better. The class load out is really sparse. I’ve played them for about two weeks and I just know they aren’t going to last. Any staying power they have will be due to their uniqueness in the story and Blizz nerfing things around them to keep them viable. After all It’s what Blizz does. Like our new toy or else.

I didn’t really care for the Maw (any of it). The other zones didn’t really connect too well with each other (story wise) for me; it was like reading several different books at the same time. The travel time to each zone was too long; why couldn’t you travel to each zone directly. We had to go through the hub to get to the next zone. I might could understand when we were being introduce to each zone for the flight path, but once you been to all the zones why go through the hub to get to a different zone afterwards. The time gating for the renowned was just too long of a wait for me.

But, it was the Maw that made me want to take a break from WoW.

Why did shadowlands fail?
It wasn’t fun.
Blizzard doubled down multiple times on their alt unfriendliness.
It was chronically overloaded with exposition.
The premise of the story was based on a topic nobody could win, namely a poor attempt to present multiple culturally stolen versions of what happens after death.
And so on…

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