Now that the dust has settled, why did shadowlands fail?

The maw and a huge delay on a disappointing patch is what ruined shadowlands but I will say that leveling alts was one thing I actually very much enjoyed this expansion.

Things I vehemently disliked about Shadowlands:

  • Main zones aren’t contiguous
    • forced to use flight paths and travel through Oribos to reach other zones; similar to how we had to sit through Boat Loading Screens in BfA to travel between Kul Tiras/Zandalar
  • Chore-ghast being forced upon us
    • Necessitated having to do it twice a week in order to keep up with legendaries
    • Boring, grindy, repetitive - failed to achieve true “rogue-like” goal
  • Plot was ham-fisted and convoluted; Jailer is one-dimensional and clearly Mary Sue’d into the lore
    • Initial Nathria plotline was great, but there’s a giant loophole of Denathrius being reclaimed by Nathrezim and never addressed again for the rest of expansion
    • Korthia storyline was massive letdown; very ugly, forgettable zone
  • The Maw being so oppressive for so little reward
    • Essentially just a grindy precursor zone for Torghast/Sanctum objectives (same for Korthia)
  • Covenant Sanctum progress not shared between characters
  • The Drust storyline/raid being shelved despite all the grandstanding and buildup they had in BfA
    • Relegated to being a fart in the wind in Ardenweald Covenant storyline, and never mentioned again in significance after 9.1
  • Arthas having no involvement at all in Shadowlands other than being turned into literal anima dust despite all the teasing and alluding
    • Jaina’s imprisonment scene in Thros in BfA
    • The Kyrian cinematic with Uther
    • The Stay a While & Listen with Jaina & Uther in Korthia
    • Sylvanas’ cutscene in Bastion explaining how she broke free
    • The parallels made with Anduin
    • Bolvar’s involvement (what little there was) in the Shadowlands as the Previous Lich King
  • The horrible treatment of Kel’thuzad and Ner’zhul in regards to their role in the story (what little role they had)
  • Jailer teasing us with the proverbial carrot on the stick with his “A cosmos divided will not survive what is to come” throwaway line
    • Literally the only time the Jailer mentions this supposed threat (which is the entire reason for his 5D chess maneuvers for countless millennia in the first place)
    • The Primus remaining silent about this threat when he in all probability knows of it as well, given his own backstory
  • Pelagos being given that ugly as sin Butterboy Arbiter model
  • The broken Helm of Domination being turned into a Green BoE, aka the “Crown of Wills”

Well it didn’t fail. Shadowlands seemed to attract a lot of grief but then you really have to ask yourself if one or two thousand people complaining in the forums out of a million players is really a lot.

I had a blast. I thought it was really well set up. I really liked the original Maw intro when you 1st got there, I liked the idea of the covenants, I liked the whole story of Sylvanas and the Jailor.

I had my main in Revenderth which was a really interesting zone and I had alts in the other three. For the life of me I really don’t see what the problem was.

Was it horrid?

I do feel like Shadowlands was overly judged. I feel like peeps are finally burning out and they’re gonna realize Dragonflight can’t really do anything to save the game. It’s not gone per say, they just need to move on.

The first person I’ve seen mention color, I’ve been complaining about this flat uninteresting pastel color pallet to my friends for years now.

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M+ the only way to even get loot. I raided months and months each tier and would barely have anything usable, M+ the most rewarding system because it’s the o my thing I could do to consistently earn progress.

Torgast could have been harder… and had gear rewards … Covenant’s should have been cosmetic , and you choose the abilities …the talent revamp should have been available. the legendary system should have been scrapped and been quest , RAID based. Renown should have been account based.

Pet Battles should have been epic!

Fixed that for you Devs’, call me next time.

Actually up until now you’ve only been spamming for people to prove it was a failure, not to prove why players left.

Also, going into a forum thread which calls for individual players’ criticisms of the expansion just to simp for blizzard devs and scream for metrics is pretty cringe.

If you followed the trail of the wow team’s poor management of the expansion, poor communication, poor treatment of resounding player feedback, poor treatment of their top content creators on social media, poor treatment of players, lack of respect for players’ time, then you’d know why most people consider it a failure. Even members of the wow team have admitted to many of (not enough tbh) their massive failures of this expansion.

Nobody cares how much money it made, we just want the game to be good again, and that’s why all these people are here talking about it in the forums. Man, i really just had to explain that. :grimacing:


It was pretty horrid.

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Well that is the title of the topic. The question is of the form “When are you going to stop kicking my dog” and all I’m saying is that the question doesn’t make any sense if you don’t have a dog.

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You’re either being intellectually dishonest about the reason people are here or you’re really struggling to grasp the point of this thread. Like do you really think shadowlands was a hit with the majority of the playerbase? The answer is all over this thread. It was hyped well, recieved poorly, and only got worse until the end of the expansion. That opinion is shared not only here in the “i quit” mob, but also within players currently logged into the game. Look at trade chat sometime. Or just keep trolling here I guess.

Damn! /10 char…

The expansion “failed” as long as we keep the definition of failing extremely vague and without a way to actually have a conversation about it.

And if you disagree that the expansion failed, based on this vague and anecdotal evidence. You are trolling.

This is why threads like these are pointless. If you leave no room for conversation, and automatically state anyone that disagrees with you is trolling…your feedback becomes useless. You are showing that you will not accept any other opinions besides yours.

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I’m not making that claim. My point is that we just don’t know. Disregard what you see in the forums because forums tend to attract people who want to complain about something. Other than that, what evidence do you have that says a majority of people didn’t like Shadowlands?

But in this thread it even goes beyond that. The OP is not only claiming that people didn’t like Shadowlands but that it was a failure. And in business we know that if a product or service makes money, that’s a success. Only by looking at the company’s P&L statements could you find out if Shadowlands was a failure.

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Bro didn’t even read the thread lmao. You’re suggesting that I’m trying to block discourse when calling someone out who’s point in this thread was “oh it sucked? Prove it”. If the response was just a different opinion we wouldn’t have said anything. But it’s not, because it’s clearly trolling. :roll_eyes:

You clearly know nothing about business if you think this is true. There are many failures in business which are not reflected by P&Ls.

Your use of logical fallacies to create friction in a forum thread which critiques the game is behavior I would expect from an entry level blizz employee or something. Whatever your deal is, I’ll pass on your trolling from now on, thanks.

Can you give us an example?

I mean. That is how it works.

If one makes a claim, and states that claim as fact. They should prove it.

The OP didn’t make the statement under the guise of it being an opinion.

Not alt friendly at all.

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