Now that the dust has settled, why did shadowlands fail?

Looking at the history of MMO’s there were several that pre-dated WOW, and a few released soon after WOW. I think WOW was the market leader because it felt so open when you explored. Now they cram so much into a little space, and make it so you can’t even get from one spot to another easily as compared to the open world we had with the original WOW. That open world, and the fun of exploring it was great, now its more like we are a rat in a 3D maze trying to get a piece of stale cheese.

Ultima On line 1997
EverQuest 1999
RunesScape 2001
Anarchy Online 2001
Dark Age of Camelot 2001
Final Fantasy 11 Online 2002
Guild Wars 2005
DDO 2006


8 month 9.0, leading into all major streamers abandoning WoW for FFXIV on 9.1’s launch week.

There’s genuinely nothing that can save a 8 month content drought.

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This metrics trap is part of what has hurt Blizzard. They stopped asking what players love and started just counting what players did. But you can design a game so that players do what they dislike to get to what they like or get a reward. If I tell a teenager I will pay her $50 to shovel my snowy sidewalks and driveway, and she does the chore, that doesn’t mean she likes shoveling snow. It means she wants to buy something.

The problem with designing a game around these metrics is that it is a game, in competition with many other games and TV and books and other activities people do for fun. Eventually most players realize that the game isn’t really fun anymore and the rewards don’t justify hours of drudgery. That’s when you start to lose players.

I believe Ion doesn’t understand what many players find fun about an MMO. I believe Blizzard used metrics to justify BAD decisions for years. Boo metrics. Make a game that players love playing, that isn’t a chore to get to a mediocre reward.


I suspect it failed out of the gate due to hubris. During early testing, the developers were told things didn’t feel good. We were told there was a ripcord if needed. By the time it was pulled, it was too late. Slow release of content updates added to this as well.


So this is probably a really unpopular opinion – but here is the reasoning for me.

The only content I participate in nowadays in WoW is leveling characters and running mythic+ dungeons with my friends. I stopped tanking mythic+ dungeons because it was causing me anxiety and no longer a source of fun with my friends. I stopped PvPing a long time ago, because I don’t enjoy the PvP that most of the WoW PvP community enjoys.

So I’m already in carebear mode and just running dungeons. Blizzard decides to make all the hard work I put into my gear completely irrelevant by giving the ability to upgrade mythic+ gear – but only new pieces you collect. So all the time I spent on getting my gear farmed up, was made completely pointless and I was supposed to just grind it out a second time so that I could upgrade it. I said screw that and quit.

Once I stopped running Mythic+ dungeons there was nothing worth my time.

That being said – I think the Arena is largely to blame for the state of the game.
What originally drew me to WoW was world PvP. I’ve always been a huge fan of games like Archeage, where PvP drives the economy. If you wanna make money, you have to do something active in the world – and players can kill you / steal your progress. It turns the whole world into a living breathing thing.

So in WoW, it wasn’t so much of an economy thing, but you could build rivalries / infamy on your server by being a menace to the other faction. It was really fun.

World PvP is probably the main reason I got into playing MMORPGs – and they pretty much murdered that a long time ago. They add the arena and start turning players into damage sponges because all the cool hardcore kids feel like they’re not able to flex their big skill peens when they get killed really fast. So the game went from “Hey this is pretty easy to pick up, and I’m having casual fun” to “I’m chasing some guy around a pillar for 30 minutes because I physically do not do enough damage to kill him when I do catch up with him.” Which bores the life out of me. I’m not going to pretend to be good at the game, I’m garbage at the game. But even watching pro level players play at a competitive level bores the life out of me. I know the PvP community on the forums is REAL fast to be like ‘git gud’ or ‘you’re just trash’ and that’s fair, I own that I’m bad at the game. A lot of that has to do with my attention span though. I’m not gonna spend time getting good at something that isn’t fun – you know? Also I shouldn’t need to be good for it to be fun. Every game I’ve ever played, I’ve been one of those people that once I sniff out the fun – I chase it down like some kind of adrenaline junkie. If I get wrecked, and I’m having fun – I’ll want to fight the guy who kicked my tail in over and over again until I win because I’m stubborn like a mule. I don’t get that with WoW though. I just get bored.

I think a lot of that stems from the fact that the game isn’t balanced around objectives. If the game were balanced around objectives, then the game wouldn’t end the second someone dies – and the pace of the game would be much faster. You’d be able to get that sweet sweet dopamine hit more often when you delete someone. And yeah – half the time you’re gonna be the one getting deleted, but it beats dragging the fight out for 3 minutes.

Then you add in the mega servers and sharding and phasing and warmode and world pvp is dead. The only people you’re gonna find with Warmode on, are people who have already farmed gear and are going to annihilate you like you’re a small child.

Blizzard expects you to endure hours on hours of getting your face smashed in trying to get gear – just to be on even a remotely even playing field… and once you have gear – dealing with a single healer completely butchers any chance of getting that sweet sweet dopamine from actually securing a kill.

So basically, the real reason that Shadowlands croaked is like the culmination of bad choices they’ve been making for over a decade. They’ve slimmed the surface of content I enjoy down so much, that the second they made a stupid decision about mythic+ dungeons I was done immediately.

I could complain about the Maw and Torghast and the raid content… covenants… not having flying forever… blizzard wasting gargantuan amounts of my time… ignoring player feedback and doing the bare minimum to keep the game afloat.

But honestly, I’d put up with it if the core gameplay loop was something that really got my blood flowing… and it hasn’t done that in a long time.

I’m probably a fringe case though. /shrug.


I was supportive of a lot of the decisions that were made at the beginning, but looking back, I see a number of big holes.

1: There is an expression on the forums for the expansion as ‘Systemlands’, which… isn’t really a joke.

There are systems, and systems within systems. I came back in at the tail end of the expansion and didn’t have the faintest idea of everything I need to do to gear up for Mythic+.

What are Korthite Crystals? What are Domination thingies? Soul Ash? Soul cinders? Valor? Which legendaries? Which conduits? What am I supposed to be working on? And what the heck is pocopoc?!

Mostly joking about the last one, but not for the rest.

Getting ready for endgame may not necessarily be time-consuming (not sure, I didn’t bother in the end), but WOW is it complicated!

2: I genuinely question what whoever put the main zones so far apart was thinking. I started timing myself (not for this, but other reasons), and it’s like a four minute wait to get from one zone to the next.

I don’t buy the people who say that it’s all about time-played mechanics, especially because of this. Why on earth would anyone create a 3-4 minute wait where you are literally doing nothing? The ONLY silver lining is that I have time to get up from the computer and do other stuff.

In short, the only good point is that it helps me NOT play the game. I’d rather have a loading screen, as at least it might load faster than expected.


A lot of the other stuff complained about - Korthia, for example - I actually enjoy, but a game should be easy to get into, even if it’s difficult to master.

And don’t make me sit around for several minutes with nothing to do and nothing I can do. I want to play and do stuff, not feel like I might as well do something else.


Just speaking lorewise, the Jailor is/was a terrible, truly terrible villain. I don’t know if the writing team was taking the piss or they just went with whatever idea someone farted out but the Jailor is/was terrible. Out of nowhere you have villain who seemingly behind everything since warcraft 3 and the players are supposed to accept the Jailor as some puppet master pulling the strings behind everything even though he was not heard about until Shadowlands- no I am sorry people aren’t going to buy it.

The narrative team failed with the Jailor, in fact I am convinced college classes will use the Jailor as how not to develop a compelling villain.


The whole expansions reeks of “this is OUR (the Devs) game not yours. Deal with it”. To me it doesnt even feel like you’re in the warcraft universe but rather a whole new game made to kill the old universe created by Metzen&Co.


Covs definitely did the game no favors.

Not only did they create a ton of balance issues, they also made it inconvenient to play the game how you wanted to play.

Pretty much this. I was seeing a pattern of “2.0” expansions that took another expansion’s story and expanded upon them such as:


and the initial trailer hyped up Shadowlands by having Sylvanas visiting Icecrown and “defeating” the Lich King. They used one of the most universally loved expansions to gain hype, and then flopped the story telling with boring retcons, forced storylines, and giving us a meathead endgame boss that, in the end, was doing it “for the good of us all”.


I have fewer /played hours in this expansion than I ever have in any expansion prior, including WoD.

EDIT: To expand upon my previous assertion, that would make the following true(ish):

Cata-> DF


Too many chores. Just let me play the game


Yes. You can now. You couldn’t at all for the first nine months of the expansion.

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Interesting opinion you have.
I don’t think it failed at all.
It wasn’t a particularly great expansion, but they don’t have to be great to be fun to play.
I love M+, it’s easily the best thing Blizzard has stolen from other MMOs and one of my favorite things to do with guildies.
Nathria was also incredibly awesome.
I didn’t get upset with Sylvanas or the lore, just wish books were in the game (would have prevented a lot of the angry nerds).
One of the best expansions to be a Boomkin as well.

Overall, solid 7.5 for me. Could have been better, could have been a lot worse.

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I dipped out for a few months for Endwalker and GW2, so did several guilds I know.
We generally play these games in patch rotations, so once we caught up to patch in WoW, we dip out to another MMO, play until patch is done, dip out to another MMO and then repeat the cycle.

You also had Lost Ark, New World, Elden Ring and a lot of other things that drew people away.

Never read Dragonlance I see, or Dresden Files, Ender series, Dune, etc.
This happens very, very, very often in many things actually.


Unpopular opinion, but I think Blizzard releases content too quickly and that’s why we have so many bugs and other issues that never seem to get fixed. I would rather we had double the time to complete the content and Blizzard spent that time fixing stuff and providing actual customer service.

I guess I’m saying some quality over quantity would be nice.

I personally like every expansion and now with so many classes and races and specs there’s just not enough time to savour it all.


When was Blizzard antagonistic toward players? They were never antagonistic toward me. So just what terrible thing to you think they did to you?

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Did the game gain players throughout the expansion, or did it lose them? That’s the only way to gauge success or failure in a product or business venture.

If you liked the content a lot in your circle of friends, but millions left, then it was a failure.


I don’t think the villain out of nowhere trope being used elsewhere makes the Jailor suck any less. For me the Jailor is not believable, it feels like a cheap “ah hah, it was I who was pulling the strings the whole time”. And the worst part is you know in 2 expansions or so there will be some Super Jailor and we will find out that the Jailor was right the whole time and was actually the good guy.

Ion: “oh hey players just in case player power being tied to covenants don’t work out we have a ripcord in place so don’t worry”


Ion: “SIKE!! there was no ripcord and we’re not going to do anything about it until the expansion is almost over”

But you don’t care you just want to argue.


Looking at that same theme in Torghast really did me in. Quite early on after a couple of runs I knew looking at the same theme of a zone I didn’t really like is gonna be a downer. Gameplay wise, it was okay but surprised I didn’t enjoy it more since all I play are rogue likes most days.

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