Now that the dust has settled, why did shadowlands fail?

Once again you believe you speak for “The players”. Other than the forums which are biased because that’s where people congregate to complain, where have you seen an unbiased random sample of players saying “pull the ripcord”?

Also, your example doesn’t include the developers, it just includes one manager. Where is there evidence that the developers hate the players.

It would seem that the real developers are people who come to work every day and sit at their desk or at tables using computers to develop the actual product, not managers sitting in meetings and doing interviews.

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For me, it was just boring. The story felt contrived and uninspired. The daily quest grind induced fatigue on the best of days. There was a LOT of introductory stuff I couldn’t skip past on alts which made me not want to level them. I actually stopped playing for nearly a year, until a week ago when the pre-release event started.






Is there a point you are trying to make?

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So out of all the stuff they did OP, you think it is M+? Really?

Wow…covenants before you could freely switch is a good starter. The story sucked. The raids were meh.

These are my opinions but you are saying M+? Wow.


It’s many different things that caused shadowlands to flop over time. It did have a pretty successful launch. The first patch lasting 8-9 months caused a lot of people to leave and then we had the lawsuits at that exact same time. Expansion also released during Covid so blizzard wasn’t able to run at max efficiency at making content.

Those are my top few reasons why shadowlands wasn’t that great

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This, not to mention the lack of exciting dungeons/raids like we used to get.

I noticed the overall number of them has gone down like crazy over the years and they shove M+ at us like it’s a fix.


It didn’t fail anymore than any other expansion. The tears and whining have been on GD for every expansion. The worst was for wrath, and now it’s held up as one of the best!

Shadowlands had many cool features. The dungeons were excellent as were the raids.


Same point as you’re trying to make with your circular arguments.



Hard disagree.


That’s quaint. I would say the opposite is true. You can do choreghast in a group. There were the initial covenant quests, but after that, there was nothing for solo players. WQ and LFR rewards are total garbage. I’m not asking for more solo stuff to do. I enjoyed the M+ for a while, then got tired of it.


There were 200 mounts added to ZM. This is the most solo player friendly the game has ever been.

I really didn’t play zm when i was getting crappy gear drops the first run through. I didn’t notice the mounts, but am not into farming anyway. Perhaps ZM was geared towards solo players with tons of time.

They need to give them something to do, but also give casual players without 3 hour blocks of time something engaging and rewarding to do.


For me it was the maw and the inability to at least get on a ground mount initially.

The lack of direction in the story was the next straw. Castle Nathria was a cool raid and highly expected there to one tailored for the other zones and their antagonists but no.

Korthia was a joke. Seriously what the hell was that all about? Then ZM. Same thing.

I think the idea had a good start minus the maw crap. But it was like they gave up from there.


It’s called m plus or BGs.
trans mog farming.

You have stuff to do. If you choose not to do it that’s on you.

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Ahem… we know what that was. Someone’s onsie with Sylvanas led to that myopic story writing.

Hopefully DF has a much broader sense of story telling.

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Don’t bother responding to that one.

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Another great example of the fallacy of ad hominem. If you can’t attack the message, attack the messenger. Now did you or did you not have a point?

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Show me where I “attacked” you. Saying you have a ridiculous circular argument isn’t attacking you at all. Don’t be so sensitive.

I made my point but you just went with your circular argument so anything I say will just get pushed aside by you and ignored.

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Too much waifuvanas.

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