Now that DF has been out for a while

I can’t speak on the three pillars of content but the rest is OK. Nothing the write home about.

I doubt you’ll get a ‘‘general opinion’’ but for me, as launch content goes. It’s pretty meh sadly. The zones looks great IMO. I appreciate the work they put in and the small things I discovered and noticed.

Admittedly the Rogue in me asks, if you were to gank people in worldPVP, would you do it in PvP gear instead of dungeon gear like before?

Me and my wife subbed and stayed. I recommend it. :ok_hand:

Trying to be objective, here. It’s better than SL/BFA, but that’s not saying much. There’s a lot of things I like about it but there’s areas where it simply feels unfinished as if they ran out of time and tried to make it work with what they had. Even little things like the drake customizations, world quests, and harvesting nodes.

Nodes still spawning in environment like it was in SL? I remember trying to gather in the necro zone and a node would appear on the map only for it to be inside the wall out of reach.

It’s everywhere, now. Inside trees, rocks, sides of hills, tower walls, etc. I’ve encountered more inaccessible nodes in the past two weeks than the past 10 years. I wish I was exaggerating.

I read something about someones hp going up once they initiated World pvp. If thats true (dunno if it is) that means your ilevel 340 piece becomes ilevel 410. Thats pretty big. Also pvp trinket is nice.

But I wonder the same thing.

During BFA I would go as Sub Rogue into questing eras and just shadowstrike one shot lowbies because admittedly it gave me the giggles.

(Yes I know it’s not nice, but PvP)

It’d be nice to know from someone who actively ganks if anyone does anymore

Systems wise it’s a complete 180 from shadowlands so that in itself is a great start.

I’m really liking this expansion. Only thing I miss is Callings. Which seems to have been replaced with dragon riding WQs that give 500g each… ugh…

It’s an RNG time gated slot machine. The very thing they said they were getting rid of. It’s a terrible system due to the lack of catch up on knowledge points. So people starting today will always and forever be behind the day 1 people. And thus be irrelevant to even their own needs.

While I’m enjoying the content, the flying aspect is difficult for me (I’m and old fart with arthritis, etc.) so I don’t spend much time there. I can’t wait for regular flying - and for those who love dragon flying, good for you and both and live together peacefully.


Its a good expansion.

Its not as good as legion or bfa.
But its not as bad as shadowlands. In fact its far superior to shadowlands.