Now that DF has been out for a while

Second best expansion so far

  1. MoP
  2. DF
  3. Wrath
  4. Legion
  5. TBC
  6. Cata
  7. BFA
  8. SL
  9. Drink poison
  10. WoD
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It’s better than shadowlands by far.


It is certainly alt friendly.

There’s nothing you need to grind to get power, which means you can, to take me for example, do Mythic+ on my main, grind mining and herbalism on an alt and work on Korthia and not have to think the whole time ‘I really need to be grinding some AP to keep up…’.


Get’s boring fast. limited world stuff to do.
if you have low level alts they will suffer thru chromie time where Ilvls are not correct for the level of content you are going thru. but hey zoom zoom on dragon that can’t hover…

The story, characters and zones are like a coloring book designed by a 5 year old, the centaur zone is a slog fest of wokeness.

Save that money


Let me correct you 1. Legion 2. MOP 3. you cant rate DF yet its brand new.

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Generally very positive, there’s a few very minor things I’m not a huge fan of, and I’d be enjoying it more if HPal was in a better place, but overall the XPac itself it pretty great.


Same game different coat of paint. Drop rates are still abysmal, crafting changes are terrible time gated nonsense, old content won’t be touched to make it more enjoyable or rewarding. So all of the core issues are still there but the actual leveling process in DF was more enjoyable than SL. Oh and they lied about account wide reknown to be accountwide light. Walked that back a week or two before expansion drop.

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What do you mean? Minus gear and supplies, I got pretty much everything on my alts I did in my main from renown.

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Only the no-lifers hate DF.

For the 98% of us that play this game very casually, it’s a lot of fun.


I did it purely because power fantasy and the idea of being able to switch fighting styles as a Roleplay kind of thing, if I’m entirely honest.

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if you sweat lord the expansion it will disappoint. Thats about all i got from my above comments. You gotta pace it out.

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Yeah but not crafting recipes and knowledge points. Cosmetics literally don’t matter. I’m more mad they changed it last min than anything. After touting account wide for months before.

The worst is the Artisans Consortium and trying to do that on multiple alts is the absolute worst grind for rep I have ever done.

oh yeah the Professions are the new Systemlands content, it baffles the brain that someone would over design. Also there are like 45 different currencies,coins,tokens,sparks,elemental crap you have to collect, you have to constantly page thru wowhead reading.

Rares? even with your zoom zoom dragon you often arrive to a dead rare because everyone else has a zoom zoom dragon.


It’s really not that bad when you start to understand how it works. There’s a few minor things that needed to be addressed, but for the health of this game it was a needed change from the previous, outdated system.

It’s a good start, but it definitely has some serious rough edges. But honestly we’ll need to see if they can follow through.

Good to know that when I do buy DF, I avoid working on professions like the plague haha

That such a ridiculous response. You come across as someone who tries to outthink everything because you are the smartest person ever…It’s not that deep

I won’t judge for real until I see how long their first patch takes and what it’s got going on. But all in all, I have a great time every time I log in to play.

Eh, I’m probably a tad biased here but I really think in its current state it is an OK expansion. Better than SL? Sure. Better story/lore? Sure. It even plays better as well, for the most part. Where I am having issues with is picking a class/specialization that I want to actually stick to and isn’t a bland 3 button mashing faceroll specialization or a wet noodle outside of cooldowns OR a glass cannon. My opinion on the actual content is rather negative as well. Is there a ton? Sure. Most of it feels like mindless forced rep grinding much like we’ve had in the past just with some paint over it. The actual endgame content is fine, most of the issues for me goes back to how most classes play now which kills most gameplay regardless of what it is because i just simply don’t enjoy any of them. I will be waiting for more fine tuning and class tree tweaks/overhauls. This post is coming from someone who has been playing off and on since vanilla WoW, I am not a newcomer and I haven’t always been a casual. Will I continue to play it? Probably, but it wont soak up as much of my free time.

Cant speak for everything, but pvp gearing is nice this time round.