Now I'm torn

Fifteen years after vanilla, with all that we now know, and with this once in a gaming lifetime chance to do it all over again… And you are seriously going to let others dictate what you will or will not play.

I don’t even have the words.


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That’s very true man

Why do people seem to keep thinking that the reason a lot of classes got stuck healing in vanilla was due to community elitism and “bullying”?

glares at paladin T3 set itemization

Yeah have fun tanking/dpsing in that thing. Not a single drop of strength on it. All healer stats/set bonuses. And before anyone responds “don’t use the tier gear then” there’s nothing I love more than going into a new raid already knowing I have few pieces of my class gear to look forward to because it’s a healer set and I chose to force prot or ret to work, so now I get to fight with all the other melee for nontier drops.

Face it.

Itemization in vanilla was bonkers, even towards the end. That’s one of the main reasons certain specs just didn’t work as well, at least not when it came to raiding.

I had a shot at Ret in vanilla. An AQ40 guild and a GM willing to set what Ret was about. Still wish I had just stayed on the Holy boat because trying to gear Ret was a freakin nightmare. Had nothing at all to do with the community.

If you wanna blame anyone for the pigeonholing in vanilla blame Blizzard. I wholeheartedly believe they were worried not enough people would want to heal in raids so they made the tier sets for any class with a healing spec more focused on healing to nudge them into that role.


The “hybrid tax” was totally a thing. Most prominent in BC but they indeed deliberately pigeonholed classes into particular raid roles.


You can play ret, even in raids, just remember that you won’t have a priority of much and you cannot compete in damage, Classic being 40man means there is only really 20 actual optimized people and the rest are cannon fodder.

Play a druid. You are a warrior-rogue-mage that can heal! You just are a jack of all trades and a master of nothing. After you and your buddies learn this and understand the hybrid tax overall, things will be well.

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Only weaker than all :thinking:


The difference is night as day my friend. I’ve played both alliance and Horde. Undead Shadow Priest, and Orc/Troll/Undead Locks just have a large advantage.

If you take for example Undead Lock + felhunter + engi vs NE priest with no engi that priest is going to have a MUCH harder time than if you reversed that into Undead Priest with engi vs Human Warlock with no engi.

Also Undead Rogue + Engi is just rough to deal with for Alliance Priests/Locks. You already struggle getting much of anything off between their rupt CDs. Having psychic scream ignored, or having the rogue immediately get back on you after DC-Fear by nade lobbing is just rough. Getting that second fear off often isn’t going to happen unless you can also nade into fear. You also have to factor in the DR on the second fear. Not only are you having to get that second cast off, but it’s not going to last as long. WotF also makes it harder to rely on suc charm. Fear ward isn’t nearly as reliable either as it can be stripped.

I played Ret in Vanilla fine :confused:

Here’s the reality. You have heal spells, your expected to use them, if you don’t want to, hybrids aren’t for you.

In vanilla I played druid, half way through I wanted to go feral (Well more specifically I wanted to go resto to NS and feral to feral charge). At the time I was in a bleeding edge raiding guild. They said it was no problem but I’d be expected to heal in raids and if a 31 point resto was available I’d be subbed. Eventually I changed guild to a second tier who let me switch between healing and dps depending on the need. Cleared upto 4 horsemen in Naxx (I was dps for most of it) before guild burned out and focused on pvp.

Luckily for you alot of players won’t be coming from vanilla. Leveling up most will probably believe ret to be perfectly viable (it isn’t compared to other dps, neither is dps druids and shaman). So I doubt you’ll have trouble finding a group. If you wanna raid at the highest level (honestly I doubt classic raiding will be challenging until AQ40/Naxx), you’ll be healing… Again, if you don’t want to do that, either roll a pure dps or join a second tier guild.

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I have zero desire to be in a hardcore guild. I find elitist people to be annoying in games (no offense to that crowd). I’ve always preferred the laid back atmosphere of casual guilds. I imagine I’ll join a guild that will be like 2 months behind those cutting edge ones

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Everybody says frost mage was one-button. that’s not true I had 4 buttons on my bars. frostbolt, conjure food, conjure water, portal stormwind :laughing:

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This is the ideal way to play in my opinion, and is how I play whenever I start a new private server. Level a hunter alongside a more gear dependent class and feed your main gold and gear, since hunters can pretty much level naked.

combat is good for pvp, especially when the meta is melee

they dont use the same build as raiders though

Everyone wants to PVE as ret so bad and I never understand why as you’re literally just waiting on auto attack damage with the occasional judgement thrown in there, all meta BS aside it’s really just not even that fun I promise you