Well… Back to square one. My buddies and I were all theory crafting on what classes we would play on release and good group comps etc. I was sold on going ret paly. Figured it’d be easy to level and group with since they’re Tanky and have heals. But then one brought up end game and that I’d probably get stuck healing.
So I hopped on the forums and did some reading and searching and confirmed most of my fears. Looks like that will likely be the case for most paladin unless they’re gm or get extremely lucky. And the thought of playing ret gets everyone all up in arms at you.
So this is my question…what do I play now? I like playing an underplayed class/race. And I plan to be alliance. Warrior are boring in my opinion. Mage look fun but will be most played likely. Rogue looks fun but I don’t know how they are to level and would either be dwarf or gnome. Other options would be hunter or priest. But hunter seems very limited in pve also and priest would probably get stuck healing as well I’d guess .
The toughest thing about classic is deciding what I want to spend hundreds of hours leveling. Gotta make the right choice the first time.
While warlock does interest me. They have a lot to manage. And I think working full time I’d be frustrated with the soul shard farm. Idk how many you actually need but for raiding I imagine it would take quite awhile. Plus is destro good for PVP or pve? Like are you casting fire spells or just shadow bolt spam?
Farming is life in classic.
Yeah pretty boring playing the most complex and interesting Tank and melee DPS ever put in the game.
You don’t have to play as one spec forever. Why not raid as a healer and PvP as Ret?
I will be tanking as a Prot Warrior and PvP as Arms.
You aren’t locked into a spec, play your preferred class first and foremost.
The soul shard farm… is greatly over rated. Every time you kill anyting within your level range there is the opportunity to get a shard. If you are just doing boss attempts for three straight hours, yes you will have trouble hanging on to shards… but you can farm off trash. Unless you are bleeding edge guild wiping on one boss over and over and over and over… you will be fine on shards.
Complex dps? Idk. Seems like heroic strike spam but I could be wrong. They are cool tanks but I don’t have any interest in that. So wasn’t trying to upset the warrior crowd. I have a 120 warrior currently and idk just not all that exciting to me really. Kinda wanted a change of pace. The issue with what you’re suggesting is the cost of Respec. As I imagine I’d be likely respeccing multiple times weekly.
But it is another thing to farm on top of consumes. Just for reference how many does a lock usually need to bring on raid night ?
The really soul shard hungry locks are the ones that use shadowburn on cooldown. You need more than 28 shards to keep that up.
Respec cost will be a fact of life if you want to raid and PvP. Have fun
roll ret pally i think you will get lucky, despite forums and elitists mate. play the race n class u wanna. dont let people bully you into roles, hell if u are playing with friends make your own guild so theres no doubt for your raid spots
Unfortunately, I have only one
to give
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It’s just something I’m concerned with after seeing so much hostility towards it on here. And I do like raiding so id hate to miss that chance.
Well yes for some classes more than others. Like lock can raid and pvp, feral can hotw, some classes can raid in a competent pvp spec
Warlock pve and pvp specs are very different. Pve specs are hella squishy and can only really cast shadowbolt. Pvp specs are tanky as heck but don’t have sustained dps since dots aren’t usable in pve.
Might want to research that
Thought they could go was it sm/ruin and be decent in both?
Hunter is pretty rad, I agree 
hides in the bushes from the warrior while giggling
You’re a glass cannon if you do that.
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Just play Ret. Most guilds won’t be so anal they won’t let you come swing Nightfall for them. It’s not like Classic raids are cutting edge content.
play it anyways i’d suggest
You sir sound like you need to check out druids. Not overly complex. Still interesting. Unique utility as well. Of course you most likely be healing. Did i mention druids as flag runners? There is a better chance as cat or bear in raids than ret pally. I admit boomkin will be frowned on.