Now I See Why People Play Classic

wrath got close-ish with runic.

cata…the new inferno stuff they went ye olde boost up the boss hp really.

Cata classic does have us move btw. Or you can stand in the “void” spot on a thrones boss and die. I’ve seen that. BRC ogre AOE. Simple to clear you’d think. Some will prove you wrong though lol.

Hell one of my funny deaths in thrones was I did a killing spree that landed me righ in the middle of the void circles

T’was a humorous death at least.

Lmao fr brother

When will Classic items be added to our Retail transmog availability? If that was the case, maybe more would play Classic

For a fury warr?
You absolutely have more now

I want to play a game, not stand there auto-attacking and sometimes pressing heal or dispel! I want to feel like something actually takes effort not Runescape skill ups!!

WoW feels like my ADHD personified. I enjoyed old WoW, I liked that my grindy hard work felt more rewarding. As it is I mostly play this in my free time but never feel like I benefit from the work I’ve done which is frustrating. I plan to take a break soon here due to that.

I liked actually having to follow a slower strat, now it’s just gogogo and I’m getting old and tired xD

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Point 1: no, it’s not. Even soon after classic launch people played them much more retail-like than how it was played in vanilla.

Point 2: you actually just described, gasp, strategy and consequences. There were times where, if that sheep broke or the mage didn’t re-sheep, the healer might pull aggro on that mob and die. Dying mattered, you had to run your butt back in from far away. Since it was a pain, groups generally tried to avoid it, and through that some level of cooperation and communication.

Half the time in lfr and lfd nobody cares if dps/healers die and get locked out of bosses, oftentimes someone else’s fault. Talk about boring, unengaging gameplay watching a tank hop around while you’re dead and can’t release :wink:

Yea I mean its just more chill. If I’m not wanting to do anything that requires focus like keys or raid I’ll hop on classic a little and just quest while I got Netflix open. Pretty low stress environments. And getting gear feels good


Whatever helps you sleep at night :troll:


At the end of the day, if you have no experience in something, you should probably shut your mouth, because the only thing you can do is make a fool of yourself.

Umm… what are you babbling about?

That’s your opinion, classic is braindead easy and boring… :person_shrugging:

All mage specs, every classic class has a brain dead rotation… even fury, ret and bm are all more active in retail.

Haven’t touched current content eh?

I wouldn’t say base D2 has held up… D2R was nice, but it’s still just same ol’ same ol’

Go home :troll: you clearly aren’t intelligent to enough to see the my point on his obvious ignorance and you wouldn’t know if it was easy or hard anyway, doubt you’ve done any of it.

like i said, “nothing of value will be lost”

Story of your life.

but enough about you

Sorry you failed, goodbye :troll:

don’t let the door hit you on the way out!

Retail isn’t for everyone as it’s the challenging version of WoW, unlike Classic.

so challenging you’re still level 70!

Alt army, you know an army of alts.

Each to thier own.

is that another challenge? the one where you pay money for a character boost?