Now Available: Queue for Battlegrounds from Anywhere

You don’t even have to be a PvP player to BG rofl. You could just be running for XP. Ik people who literally hate WoW PvP spamming BGs for certain s4 pieces

Went right over your head there buddy. You’re not even talking about the fact that you have to sit in a city all day queueing when PvE players can run around doing whatever they want while waiting for a group. You’re just complaining to complain when you had a bad take

Y’all just lazy and when they add RDF it’ll be because of people like you

I advocate against it. The two aren’t even related in this instance. You’re a fool

They absolutely are. If you think giving the old BG system is a good idea and not gonna empower the RDF crowd you’re blind. Since this blue post they’ve already started emailing people asking them about RDF lul.

I have brutal. many have brutal. we are all brutal…or most will be by sept 25 lol.

in retail best I got is 7/7 honor and some stage 1 conquest pieces lol.

the famedwelfare epics of the retail preludes…they aren’t gifts. its how Ion hooks you into the next expac. I’ve woken up alts who I didn’t get the prelude gear or made fresh alts with the best gear legion can give. Ilevel 50 to 60.

and that gives SL a rougher start I tell you what. You can’t even clear the ilevel to get into the noob dungeon that way. I paid for loom upgrade to clear the ilevel tbh.

The top RDF post on this forum post has 136 upvotes. There are over 1 million parses logged for sunwell. The 136 people who upvoted aren’t “empowered” to do anything more than continue to beat a dead horse. LMFAO

Is your only concern with the system being added is that a few people cried about RDF again?

You’re absolutely blind. Got it. Blizzard has always listened to the vocal folks over and over especially when it comes to convenience stuff. Today basically gave classic a solid end date. LFR was one of the questions in the email btw. Catas coming. Enjoy the next year or two while it lasts boo. :kissing_heart:

An end date lmfao. How you have sunwell gear is beyond me

Idk maybe it has something to do with being a community leader and WPvP event planner on grobb since day 1 classic lol. Facts are facts. I’m sure on a PvE server like Faerlina this change is super welcome as it’s your only access to honor.

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Retail Ilvl scaling is crazy.

In S4 of TBC you can have full S2 (honor gear) and reasonably compete to a high duelist/low glad level before running into hard gear checks when facing higher end players. I quite easily got to 1800 in full greens on fresh characters without issue during TBC in S4. The gear, and by extension class balance and design allows individual player skill to shine here. Add in S2 isn’t that much worse then S4 and the gap is even smaller.

On retail, if you’re even a full season behind (or hell, full honor geared) you literally get one shot by fully geared players.

I remember in season 1 of shadowlands multi-r1s queued up on fresh characters and were getting absolutely slaughtered at 1200 because they simply just get one shot. I can’t imagine how bad it is now if you’re a fresh character competing against S4 shadowlands gear.

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oh no but what about all the social interaction we’ll be missing from not having to walk to the BG, queue up and stand silently waiting for it to pop?

so at what point will you just admit that you broke RDF and can’t get it working?


You are either ignorant or dishonest. It was not in until the last patch, it was not a core WotLK feature.

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I’ll add my own two cents even though It’s been said before, I don’t want RDF from 70-80, if it’s added later, fine but I personally don’t want it at the start, 1-60 is a painful experience to some, especially those some of us (lots I’m sure) who have done it before, and it’d be great to have RDF to help us with dungeon quests or just dungeons in particular, if blizzard wanted they could make it so we can’t spam dungeons like we can’t now, 5 runs in 30 minutes gets us locked out.

TBC has the experience nerfed, so lvling through it is a lot easier so I don’t see RDF added there, but there has to be a compromise somewhere at some point, that’s my view on it though, whether it’s added or not affects me none at all, because finding a group for dungeons has never been a problem for me, If I want something bad enough, I just do it myself, I don’t rely on a single feature to do things for me.

So pvpers can queue for matchmaking bgs anywhere in the world but pvers have to manually find groups and run to the portal, seems fair.

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This is yet another reason I am glad I am not renewing. You let PVPers have their LFG, but PVERrs are just not worth it. Wrath classic is going to go the way of TBC Classic.

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sure… sounds nice… but cant use if Auth servers are down… WTF? always breaking something…,. that you did successfully over a decade ago

Oh, no, I’ve seen plenty of threads stating that because there’s no RDF that there should be no PvP queues and then go on to try and compare those apples and oranges. It’s why I could care less about RDF despite being a #nochanges kind of person. More often than not I’ve seen pure, desperate, toxicity from the RDF crowd lashing out at other aspects of the game because they’re not getting what they desire. It’s left quite a bad taste in my mouth.

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