So what you’re saying is you weren’t there for it at all.
they try, daily. its not particularly effective. A raid tried to come in through the tram yesterday for the gnome king and proceeded to get aoe’d down in the tunnel. A second group tried baiting people outside the gates, were mostly ignored, then attempted to come into IF only to wipe at the entrance.
Zing ! You got me ! Sorry if you missed out on WPVP from BC on. It did go downhill but that was due to people like you refusing to reroll on PVE servers and lobbying Blizzard to “fix” PVP realms. It ultimately ended in Warmode, the final nail in the coffin for PVP realms.
Are these memories born out of some kind of delusional fever dream? You alright, dude? world pvp died with bc and the introduction of flying. it was fully dead post-wrath.
With Rerolls you are loosing subs and players in PVP servers.
With transfers you are only loosing players in PVP servers.
If you were a business with a money-making goal you’ll choose the second.
Then hang in there. According to you WPVP will be dead soon and you will have nothing to worry about.
At this rate, it will be dead long before any burning crusade reboot.
I still dont understand why you’re so salty that people want to transfer, though.
I have no problem with you transferring to a PVE realm where you belong.
I’ve always played on pvp servers. i will continue to, simply on one that has a more sane population and a decent balance. Again, why do you care?
It could be but I doubt it. Even if it is people get to play however they want to. For what ever reason there’s a problem. If it’s not fixed people will quit the game. If enough people quit it will eventually hurt the pvp players still around and even pve players like me as Blizzard devotes less resources to the game.
Because you are part of the problem instead of part of the solution and too obtuse to realize it.
Given that you believe legion had actual worthwhile world pvp worth talking about, its safe to say your outlook is likely based on something far from reality.
I would like to stand for cheese stuffed pizza. Who is with me?
Cool, I hadn’t seen that before.
Thanks for the info.
Why reroll and give the money to activison still? If we are not having fun ( as you ppl call it ) Fun is where BOTH sides can enjoy the action not a 1 sided affair.
ie. groups of 60’s rolling a single lvl 53… yeah fun for all huh???