its already happening. the complaints have been popping up left and right on whitemane discord over alliance refusing to leave ironforge and there not being enough alliance in the open world to pvp with. let em starve for honor.
yes there are some lopsided servers but just as many in Horde favor as Alliance. those I agree need some love…
The main problem is majority of Alliance wont stand up and fight, form death raid squads, Heck they even troll and flame the people trying to…
most want to kill 10 boar for farmer bill. and sing Koombya in westfall .
Meanwhile the Horde burn and Raze your villages, enslave your women and children as you cower hidden.
lol, whitemane is 39/60 and people on these forums LOVE to talk about how its ~relatively balanced~ when the actual ingame experience is a straight up joke for alliance players. I think its safe to say most of you have a slightly delusional concept of what balance means.
YEah those numbers are from a month ago before Census addon was broken.
It probably isn’t too far off now, but there really is no way of knowing. And I direct that at both sides, those claiming specific huge imbalance numbers and those claiming there aren’t any.
Being the underpopulated faction is amazing! I’ve loved every second of Heartseeker. Makes me realize how bad all these complainers are.
Yes when we win 15v15 or 15v20 it turns into 15v40 or 15v80 time to flee. Yes we get corpse camped. Yes we get do FP camped. Learn how to handle a PvP server. But we get to crush over confident noobs who think they’re good, when it’s just a numbers game and are awful. As well as get sick PvP footage of the occasional 1v2 and 1v3
Unfortunately on whitemane our only options are earthfury, arcanite reaper, and anathema. Earthfury is the only remotely passable option of the 3, the other 2 are DoA. Anathema doesnt even have enough pop to show up on the census sites, LOL.
I don’t know how both sides aren’t fighting for it already. Winning a 10v1 is NOT pvp and its NOT fun.
I get that pvp is not always fair. When you are sitting at half health and a a@#hole rogue shows up and finishes you off its rage inducing. But you can still res and stay alert or catch them off guard later. When you are severely outnumbered, it doesn’t matter if you rally up everyone on the server. You are going to get steamrolled every single time, and when one side has no chance to win no ones going to play.
And no, its not player created. Anyone that thinks on any level that Blizzard didn’t botch this launch and cause chaos in people trying to find a server is beyond delusional.
at the risk of being overused (not a risk…as it is)
but take this “just dont play till they fix it” attitude back to retail. That is how you get timed pvp events with participation rewards.
I dont mind be outnumbered, more HKs to go around.
We camped / WPVP in front of Org last night. Killing peeps going to and from the Zep…almost just like that boat.
You play on one of the more balanced pvp servers available as alliance, its safe to say your experience is fairly irrelevant compared to what many of us are dealing with.