Nothing will change if you do not take a stand

My server is 119% alliance/-19% horde. Addon told me.

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Amusingly, your server doesnt even have a big enough population for to calculate it. lol.

And when restarting in LEgion…my horde hunter was (and stayed) on Sargeras. does a pretty decent job, aggregating from warcraftlogs and undermine journal AH listings. Its far from perfect but it does give a generally decent picture of what the active playerbase looks like.


They not changing anything for you casuals. Just unsub now and hold that L.

amusingly, you dont understand those census’s DO NOT WORK…

ffs… there is a que to log onto my server…there is your proof your website is a joke

… legion? what on earth does retail have to do with classic? world pvp has been dead in retail since wrath of the lich king, if not before.

Your server is listed on 78:22, Horde to Alliance.

Oh thats strange. Arcanite reaper ppl say have a more balanced server. Maybe that is an option?

That sounds like some reliable, accurate information!

The point was…Sargares was heavily Alli dominated and I was a horde hunter not a rogue.

So the argument of “not fun to play due to pop imbalance” was still moot regardless of my classic characters server / role.

Sounds like you are scared to have server balance because someone might kill you :frowning:

again, world pvp has been dead in retail since wrath. your experience on sargeras in legion is beyond irrelevant to classic world pvp.

I’m on Stalagg we already won the war.

Yep, it’s the typical Alliance mentality. It’s no different now than it was 15 years ago.

Get out there and do something then. ThunderCats are constantly WPvPing, encourage your guild to do the same. If Risen, Cozy, Zz, PSA, Filthy Casuals, and Lucid Dream got off their asses, we’d dominate the server. The alliance on whitemane heavily outgear the horde. Quit being a panzy and get a group together, otherwise you’re just part of the problem.

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I’d rather sit in ironforge and bask in the horde tears on the whitemane discord about how there is nobody to pvp with. It fuels me.

I’ll pvp when the trash that is smorc is removed from this server via region locks as it should have been from the beginning.

Which is still overwhelmingly horde…
So let me ask this: If Blizz could wave a magic wand and have every server be perfectly balanced, would you prefer that or leave it how it is now? If not, why?


What I am getting at is…

This is stupid mentality due to “imbalance”.

Then my point was…did I quit logging in due to “imbalance” on the hunter? No.

We on the same page now?

Faction balance is irrelevant on retail. Nobody has participated in world pvp worth a damn for years.

I’m not sure how this is confusing.

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