Notable Spell Effect Changes for 11.1

It isnt much, but we did get some new spell effects for the Dark Magus, Defile, ghoul summons, and Darion’s D&D. I recorded the new effects, which you can view in the link below.

The quicker ghoul summon is nice. Defile is cool too.


idk about that defile animation lol

Why is Blizzard obsessed with making our spell effects as downplayed and unnoticeable as possible? Look at us compared to Paladins or Warlocks. Its like our spell effects are stuck on the minimum graphical setting for Projected Textures.

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… Swirlies? Darion does red swirlies?

What the heck is Defile? I mean it looks okay, I would honestly take it over the old one but still it looks BLEH.

The Magus spell casting update is nice.

I feel this iteration of Defile is closer to the original effect from the Lich King fight in terms of design, and the green outline does help indicate better where the border of defile is.

The ghoul summon change is good, and also kinda fixes an issue Ive always had with the glyph of geist, being the geist never had a birth animation, so this is kind of a fix to that.

The Darion spell effect change is cool as well. If you compare the 11.1 version has the bubbling effect that D&D has always had is now present, while the 11.0 version does not, as its essentially using the Venthyr spell effect kit.

Those are my thoughts.


I’m pretty sure Defile will continue covering swirlies on the ground based on the new visual

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Lets hope Bloods DnD gets the effect update as well.

My favorite is Defile, for sure, looks extremely clean.

I hope they finally update the visual for Death Coil though, it’s definitely the one that most needs a visual update right now.

Very clean in game, draws a lot of attention.

Paladin is just a big blob of gold light, honestly. Warlock has some of the best visuals in the game but I disagree that they are making DK unnoticeable. The new Defile especially covers the entire ground in dark gray and has good textures. Abom. Limb is also very attention drawing, Raise Abom. is as well. If you want to talk about a class that doesn’t stand out visually go to the Hunter forum, this one truly needs help.

Although simply updating Death Coil, giving Unholy Assault some unique effect. Something I would really like is to have the Fleshcraft visual for AMS.


Giving our strikes something to stand out would be enough for me honestly. They keep “updating” spell effects but ALL of our strikes are still just nothing but little colored streaks.

Have to disagree pretty firmly here. TV is a gigantic hammer that comes spiraling in over your head, Wake of Ashes is flames spiraled around you as you swing the weapon around, the 2nd part is a gigantic explosion of Holy light as you slam your weapon into the ground like you’re Thor or some bs, Blade of Justice is a huge set of blades that come up from the ground, Execution Sentence is a huge hammer slowly descending toward the enemy, Avenging Wrath is like the WoW version of going Super Sayian with the aura and everything.

Meanwhile our stuff is like a colored fart in the wind.

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Rip Frost Strike animation

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what do you mean by this?

I’m gonna guess GA is still the horrendous abomination of a visual that it’s always been, haven’t had the chance to hop on PTR.

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I agree with what you said about the paladin stuff but when you combine it all together it just feels like a blob of gold light, that’s my point. There’s no nuance in colors.

I dislike Unholy Assault’s visual, it’s old, the skull over your head is ugly. I think the same of Lichborne.

I truly wish AMS had the Fleshcraft visual, Fleshcraft had such a nice visual effect.

i wanna know what psychedelics yall are taking to think that defile animation looks good

it looks so cartoony and childish, not something youd expect coming from a class as depressing as dk

current animation is at the very least, more thematically appropriate

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because its become a cartoony and childish game. The dark part of the world was removed long ago. Its about feelings, crying, and uwu eyes.

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the animations all look great

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Raise Abom could use a visual for when theyre summoned, and when they despawn.

Biggest issue (that I have) with Unholy Assault is the sound associated with it is very subtle and it lacks a nice flashy weapon trail effect. Im fine with the skull being there, but its also one of those visuals that should be updated in the future.

If I were to give the new Defile any criticism, the visual seems a bit too “clean” for what its supposed to be. Some bubbling in the center accompanied by a subtle haze above it would probably enhance it visually.

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Yeah I’m sold, our old animation and stuff finally got the funding they deserve… if only we got some new movement effects when we swing our weapons… :eyes:


That’s a matter of opinion. In my opinion the current one is more cartoony and childish. It looks good because the movement is nicely done, the dark gray is great, although it could use black. I think if they had just updated the current Defile to look more high resolution it would be nice too.

WoW has always used cartoon graphics, now it’s just more high res. The same is true about other games like League of Legends. That was always the visual identity of the game. If you don’t like, play something else.

Death Knight lore is about feelings and crying. You just don’t think it is because it’s done in a dark and melancholy way rather than a wholesome way. The same is true about DH lore. Regardless, your comparison doesn’t make sense. If you missed this about DK you’re playing the wrong class.

I agree, looking forward for more.

I agree.

If they just made the weapon embedded in shadow it would look nice, I think. I don’t like the skull because it looks too clunky.

At first I thought it looked like some sort of liquid, took me minutes to unsee it. I like that you can also see leaves getting defiled when you use it.

I hope DK gets more updated visuals yet in TWW, especially Death Coil.

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