Notable Spell Effect Changes for 11.1

No it hasnt.

What are you on? And what game are you actually playing?

Please stop responding to Kel. Their entire life is coming on these forums with the express intent of disagreeing with whatever the topic at hand is. They don’t play the game. They don’t even have the current expansion. They pay to come on these forums and annoy people. I.E. : They’re paying Blizzard so they can troll a forum where nobody likes them and actively wants them gone. They live a very sad life.

Put them on ignore and move on. I am so fing sick of seeing this trash bag of a human derail every fking topic. Nothing constructive ever gets discussed because 90% of the topics are people arguing with this troglodyte.


Your entire life is talking about me. At least I talk about the topic.

100% irrelevant to the look of something.

So what? Again 100% irrelevant to the way something looks.

You pay to come on the forums and talk about me and get everything wrong.

Then why havent I been banned?

Says the person that talks about others. Get off that goofy grass and open up some books, youll learn something.

Like you have? Where you keep talking about me. Yet you call my life sad. What kind of life do you have that you are obsessed with another person than the topic you want to talk about?

And reported. Nothing you have said since you came back has been of any use to anyone because its been drivel like this nonsense.

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I really like these new VFX and appreciate the effort going into them!

I personally would have gone more grim-dark fantasy like some said with more VFX and scary sounds, since maybe the weapons animation might be limited or harder to implement, but I get not everyone likes that or probably don’t fit with the artstyle, so it’s just me being nitpicky, also my irl brother and friend who are still playing are constantly complaining on this… on and on and on… Thank god they have not play the resent Diablo Series or Path of Exile, they be unforgivingly savage with this class I’m sure! lol :sweat_smile:

Players who come from Diablo series (bringing lots of colorful opinions affected by gameplay, VFX from both the Necromancer and Blood Knight version classes) or Path of Exile 2 to try DK, seem to be the most critical especially if compare to their Necromancer or similar Dark theme classes of these games. The few casual chats I had with these type of players, seem to indicated that they expected DK to be some kind of Dark Lord/God/Lich of Necromancy or something… so I’m not sure what could that look in WoW tbh. However would love to see it whatever that turns out to be in WoW someday… :person_shrugging:

However its been literal years and I’m am so happy and grateful Blizz devs are actually updating these… I really hope they keep at it, 2025 is bringing quite good games and WoW will need to stay on top IMO.


The Necromancer curse application abilities are cool in Diablo. More towards a witch / drust part of WoW though.

WoW is just getting too cartoonish and flat. Thats mainly because of the rate at which they put out content now.

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I don’t like the green outline around defile. I wish it was just more like the Lich Kings. Black in the center and moving outwards. The ghoul animation summon is great. Magus is good. Darions Death and Decay could be our movable aoe visual (I wish). Hate constantly losing all DPS because the tank is sperging out.

I wonder if the original Army of the dead visual changed to jumping ghouls. I wouldn’t really like that but I do like our summons being it for Mechanic purposes.

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I just tested it out on PTR, and seems the OG army still crawls out of the ground.

I dont think well see any significant changes until next expansion, but it seems like well be drip fed visual updates occasionally if this patch is anything to go by.

I agree. Theyll have to design a new one from scratch, and hopefully it retains the same color palette and design when they do.

Defile looks like pure garbo!

It should be a bunch of hands grabbing you from the earth, not a black puddle of goo. :face_vomiting:

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Why would it be a bunch of hands grabbing you? Thats more like grasp of the dead and not defile. Defile should desecrate, spoil, pollute, poison, corrupt, taint, infect… ect… the land.

There was an issue with defile though which is why they are most likely looking to change / update it. So really people need to test to see if you can see mechanics through it or not. If not then its not good no matter what the animation is. Thats the main reason why people wanted it to be changed, as well as being able to know where the edge of it actually is.

When you defile the land, you prime it for the undead to enter the realm. Conversely, when you consecrate the land you make it so the undead can’t portal thru is how i’d like to interpret it.

Thats not how it works in the WoW universe though. Raising the undead is just attaching the soul imperfectly to the body. As long as its there it can be done. The DK’s attacked Lights Hope… again, for Tirion which was supposed to be the final Horseman but the attempt was stopped by the paladins. Its been said that Tirion was going to be the final Horseman but the paladin community complained (which take that with a grain of salt) but the raising of undead didnt stop just because it was consecrated land (holy, sacred).

We did have desecration which making the ground unholy, and it did have skeletal arms coming from the ground in wrath. But defile is more plaguelike instead of being unholy ground.

Darn well…so defile is more like letting a bunch of cats pee on your lawn?! That desecrate thing sounds so much cooler…thanks for the lore!

I dont know why they removed the grasping arms from Desecrate, probably because it was continuously applied to the ground through plague strike / scourge strike use and all the arms had high FPS drops.

DnD did have some grasping arms with Blood but I think that has been removed as well. Cant remember what it was called though.

yep, instead you get the garbage light grey defile

While I don’t expect it, I wouldn’t discount it either. Marksman got a whole rewrite so we may be on the docket

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Wow has in fact always used cartoon graphics.


It hasnt though. You can even pinpoint the shift being around WoD.

Decided to hop on PTR last night and hopped into a Delve to try to see how Defile would interact with hostile ground effects. Seems hostile ground effects take precedence over defile now.
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