Notable Differences Between Cataclsym Classic 4.4.0 and Original Cataclysm 4.0.3a

Bro there’s like two interns working on SoD, don’t even.

Its original purpose was to add bulk storage for soulbound items. You could also transmog from it. Main feature however is it was bulk storage for soulbound items to get them out of players banks. Tons of items that are removed from the game, memorable tier sets people got with guilds, a BOE that you spend HOURS farming. Tons of reasons to want to keep a physical item even if its appearance is saved in a panel.


This is not constructive, SOD very clearly has more going on than cata. this is the 2nd blue post in what feels like months for cata. new changes, nerfs, buffs, and general discussion threads are dropping for sod DAILY. its completely reasonable for players not interested in SOD to be a little upset. especially when this 2nd post has a bunch of negative changes in it with no good explanation given. This is coming from a person whos mainly interested in SOD.

What a complete and utter joke.
My favourite part is you clowns waited until the day before pre-patch to pineapple us with this load of garbage.


Why would you remove Void Storage that when there are plenty of players that would like to have it remain in the game?In fact, it is still currently applicable on retail, yet you won’t let it stay in Cataclysm Classic the first expansion that it was introduced to begin with?Retail has a wardrobe feature too, yet they also still have the “Void Storage” feature existing to this date as well.Did you fall on your head today and develop a concussion Blizzard, because nothing of the void storage excuse that you made up makes any sense.Furthermore, if those clarifications weren’t clear enough, tell me, does having the void storage feature harm players AT ALL in the game?The answer is that it does not harm or hinder any player’s option or game-play whatsoever.I’d like to make good remarks about you Blizzard, but you’re slipping pretty hard on this and many players as I mentioned earlier before were hoping to use the void storage to reminisce there time spent earlier during the years on the game.


What exactly are you hoarding in void storage which is a long term storage?

Also just advocate for retail bags, same thing.

Retail bags are not the same thing, but would also be helpful and a possible compromise. However retail bags would change a few things fundamentally. void storage however is very different it is a gold sink (you have to spend gold to put stuff inside the void storage). Me personally i was gonna put in any item that has sentimental value to me, and any item i have thats removed from the game (which is always cooler than having the transmog.) i have max upgraded bags on my main character, current i have 14 slots in my main bag open for picking up items. a lot of it is just transmog that ill be DEing or vendoring tomorrow. but like the remaining 33% is stuff i would very much like to keep, even if they gave me the item as a skin.

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Well more bag space is the same thing, and the gold sink isn’t the appeal as you’re likely going to do it once.

Just like my retail void storage, those items haven’t left it because I don’t want to pay the gold to get them out.

If people have gold issues in wrath classic to withdraw or deposit items from a void storage they have a more pressing problem than the void storage feature.Everyone that I have encountered in wrath classic is stacked with thousands of gold whether it was from gdkps, or lucrative profession usage, etc…Void storage doesn’t harm anyone in the game and nobody is forced to use it at all if isn’t interested.There isn’t an argument to be made that counteracts the fact that there are multiple reasons why the void storage feature should stay.Firstly, it is still currently active on retail while they already have the wardrobe feature occurring (contradicts their reasoning for removing it from Cataclysm Classic). Lastly, it doesn’t affect players that won’t use it as it’ll just be an NPC standing next to the transmog NPC for the sole purpose of storing items that player wouldn’t want to vendor or delete from their bags regardless of using the item or not.

bigger bags would change other things in the game to fix an issue created by the devs for apparently no reason. also no one wants to look at a cluster of random BS in a heap in the bank over having a separate section. also no shot they add bigger bags to classic lmao

For quite some time now, players have been asking for a location in which to store important keepsakes including treasured armor sets, unique quest rewards, and gifts from friends, as well as other valuable items they’ve collected on their journeys throughout Azeroth.

This is a feature we’ve wanted to add to the game for a while, so we’re excited to announce that, thanks to the ingenuity and entrepreneurship of the Ethereals, a new long-term storage option will soon be available to completionists and collectors alike.

Only use being transmog? AS if. Why would you pay to deposit the item, pay to withdraw the item, and then pay to transmog the item? Items frequently used for transmog were often just left in the personal bank to avoid the fees. In any case its not about the price now since gold is mostly non-issue for todays players. If you were withdrawing items regularly for any reason, then you already misunderstood the system.

the Ethereals will require a small fee for each item deposited into or withdrawn from their Void Storage apparatus

Since this particular storage option isn’t really intended for belongings that you’d use on a regular basis

Did you know you couldn’t even use the items that were stored in void storage for transmog? Patch 5.3 added the ability to mog using items in it or the bank. So for an entire xpack you were paying 3x just to mog once.

Players can now use items that are in the bank or Void Storage for transmogrification.

Back to this notion that it was only used for tmog…

It’s important to note that the goal of Void Storage isn’t to be a second bank, but rather a place where players can safely store items they wish to keep for the life of the game, either for sentimental or aesthetic reasons.

Oh look, items we wish to keep for the length of the game for sentimental or aesthetic reasons. A lot of my items have story attached from playing with friends along the way.
I dont have to explain why each item holds value to me.

A variety of items can be placed into Void Storage – including soulbound items and Account Bound items – making it the perfect location to store trophies from past conquests

Trophies from past conquests… Yea, I agree. Great place to hold them. Too bad its being removed.

Bigger bags MIGHT alleviate some of this problem… if blizzard wants to give us the same size bags retail has. Give me 32+ slot bags.

The items I wanted to put in there are for my own reasons and I owe no one an explanation.

Again… if you didn’t want to use the system you didn’t need to. Stop ruining things for players who liked it.


Voidstorage is literally a cluster of BS, just a different location.

Also there are very good storage addons out there.

do you even hear yourself my guy. A: i wouldn’t have to look at my void storage except when i put stuff in or out which would be rarely. and B i have a mass amount of addons, however each has a purpose that i like in game. I SHOULD NOT as a paying customer of this game HAVE TO download outside programs to fix an issue that should 1000000% be handled by the devs of the game i pay money too. especially for an issue which unlike things like the AH are being intentionally added for no valid reason. as the reason given as to why they wont be adding it, wasn’t even a feature until 5.3 in MOP

you couldn’t transmog out of void storage until mop. they legit made a problem for no reason and made up an excuse that doesnt even make sense to explain why they did it.

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Because they couldn’t get it to work. Remember TBC Classic…how it didn’t launch with Guild Bank. Because the bank storage code has changed a lot since Vanilla and Retail (ie the dedicated Craft Mat storage).

Likely the same issue happened with Void Storage there’s been some changes since it was implemented and they’d be working backwards from Retail’s to ‘make it like it was’. This is probably why we’re getting the Collection Tmog thing; because it’s too much trouble to get the OG Void Storage, which did not support “Tmogging” from it until MoP.

In fact, any content that gets cut or bypassed is probably done so because getting it to work would delay the release.

PS: Q3 started April 1st; Q4 starts July 1st. Releasing Cata at the end of May, while releasing the Pre-patch in April nets them MAUs for both Q3 and Q4. – Follow the money, and all decisions make sense. :wink:


I would have more respect for them, and be less upset, if they strait up came out and said this instead of a lie


They added void storage originally because people asked for more storage, but didn’t want to just plainly give more bag space, it was a give and take away, clearly the system failed as they just plainly added more storage in the end.

They don’t see a reason to add a system thats not really used by the vast majority of the population, stop pretending as if you actually care, you just want to complain about things you can’t have when you don’t have them.

Dude read the comments above you, lots of people are upset. its very clear however that you as a person are just looking for an excuse to demand bigger bags. which the will not do, and if you think they will you are inhaling way to much copium. its fine if you are not going to use the system, however that does not take away from others who wish to enjoy said system in your absence. that specific system is one of the main new systems i was looking forward to in cata. sense your situational awareness is very low i will point it out for you, you are one in a very small minority on this post not saying these are bad choices.

Look, fair enough.

But just saying the way to go about it is just to ask for bagspace.

In the Corporate World you Deny and Spin. Because ‘telling the truth’ is costly.