Notable Differences Between Cataclsym Classic 4.4.0 and Original Cataclysm 4.0.3a

Yeah using the bank is a struggle

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Fine VS is not relevant for you. But you don’t get to speak for everyone else.
Plenty of people are collectors and the bank literally is not enough.
So maybe skip mocking people campaigning for things they care about.


Some people have more items than the bank provides space for. Some people do not PvP, some people do not play hunters. You can find plenty of people not engaging in any specific facet of the game. Changes that have an effect only on those aspects of the game could make almost no difference to those players. It’s still arbitrary to act so dismissive towards significant changes to those facets merely because you do not engage with them.

I would hope a grown adult would be able to understand such a simple and obvious concept.


What about the modern Auction House implementation? Are you going to be working on that or is it too difficult?


What the flip?! No void storage? Ok Blizzard i get it you don’t want me to play Classic Cataclysm.

Honestly all you guys do is cater to retail and we feel like second class citizens over here.


unprepared and embarrassing. EVEN FOR BLIZZARD. this is just pathetic.


I thought you were supposed to make cata better not worse. How are private servers better at what you do.
Only removing stuff from an expansion is not making it better. Have group will travel, Void storage, Pre patch event, Mass ress.
When are you adding something to the game? You have the best raid you have ever created in classic imo (firelands) and its going to last for like 2 weeks before we go to dragon souls.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So it isn’t just Arena and PVP players getting the :poop: end of the stick, it is all cata players.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Its your 15 bucks. You collected things before cata was announced where void storage was a thing, you can manage to still find a way to enjoy it. I just dont think you or anyone understands that we have a small dev team doing two games and being so upset over something that can be worked around is cooked.

I said it so many times and they wouldn’t listen, they truly believe some top secret internal build and were in denial about how terrible the beta and PTR were.

You reap what you sow, so no sympathy for them


Wait. So we aren’t getting it?

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Hey blizzard. I kinda wish you’d make new fresh servers for Classic Era (non SOD, non Hardcore) and maybe a server for TBC Classic and Wraith Classic? I played real Cataclysm and I’m not really interested in it again despite enjoying Cata when it was current. But I’d like to see the other Classic Eras which have passed get fresh resetted servers.


What a sh*t show really.
Making dumb excuses that don’t make sense at all instead of admitting that you ran out of time.

Void Storage is still used on retail for storing vanity items, for example items that were removed, etc.
Also the current Transmog system is like a Wish version of the retail one, a complete mess, it doesn’t even track quest rewards, there’s no “Item Sets” panel, you can’t transmog legendaries, you can’t learn white/grey transmogs, etc
And you’re telling us Void Storage is largely unnecessary :clown_face:


2am tin foil hat theory. they removed void storage knowing it would make people mad, but also knowing it is a minor thing they can add later to pretend like they listened to us to distract from the other popular features on the list being removed cause they couldn’t do it in time.


Probably not, it’s never been on the PTR so there’s no reason to assume.

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was on the beta till last week xD


it didnt work, like it was deff broken but it was there. it is a tin foil hat theory at 2am :wink:


There are a lot of folks like myself whom have never played Cata before and are excited for it. I rarely ever post as I find the forums is filled with mostly trolls and drama but this is ridiculous. You guys need to do a MUCH better job of communicating. We don’t want some half asssed version of the expansion. Do it right.


What you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point, during your rambling incoherent response,we’re you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points and my God have mercy on your soul.


Literally was though?

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