Notable Differences Between Cataclsym Classic 4.4.0 and Original Cataclysm 4.0.3a

I mean, I guess, credit where credit is due thank you for communicating these changes; HOWEVER, what in the hells, man. This should have been communicated WEEKS ago. You’ve blown us off for far too long in favor of Season of Discovery and we’re getting this news less than a day before the prepatch is expected to go live.

We pay the same subscription as the SoD players, we deserve better communication than this moving forward. Do better. We really are not expecting much.


Good job giving people information that would have been a bit more useful ages ago. Also still doesn’t say anything about account services for the new race/class options… but at this point the patch will probably arrive faster than the time it would take you to answer.

I’m talking about the account services, such as boosts and race changing, not simply creating a new character. Try understanding the text you quote before racing to insult someone.


I’ll say it. Removing Void Storage is dumb (I had some more colorful words but going that route wont make a difference). The entire concept was a place to store items that people didn’t want to get rid of. How many more people did Naxx40 and have items saved than in Vanilla, or legendary items they didn’t get in Vanilla.

From Blizzcon to every post you’ve officially made INCLUDED that Void Storage, and you wait until the night before to say you have no intention to add it to classic. Way to communicate with your customers, way to give your customers the middle finger too…


Removal of void storage is a weird flex. I can’t quite figure that one out. Like, why? Was it actually hurting something? Or they don’t have enough people hours to commit to having it there and in working order?


All the copium huffers with their “Don’t worry bro, busted beta means nothing bro, they’ve got a fully fixed internal build for sure bro, it won’t launch busted bro” really quiet all the sudden.

Who wants to bet Void Storage is only out because it was also broken on their end and they couldn’t fix it so they pretend it’s intentional?


My theory is they want to limit future commitment. So they will agree to whatever number of hours will be needed to get hunters semi-working, but not to any other non-essential feature that just hasn’t already made the time commitment cut.


That was it for me too, it was just… fun… and something that made Cata special and unique. Since day one you could do raids, dungeons and BGs with guildies and those are great always but that’s not something special about Cata.

It was like leveling a new character but your whole guild got to experience the progress, and have fun with it together.

I know that the guild achievements offer a little bit of unlocking and guild progress, but sometimes it seems like fun is forgotten about.


Lol, why even release an older version of what you already released, but this time with less features?

Imagine feeling you’re “rushing” an old game… Jeez.


Remix coming up soon is gonna be a better mop classic then the classic team could pull off

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“Crazy” buffs man… you still had time to add an extra buff or something to get t10 ilvl 251 faster or cut their cost by half but no.

Cata is launching with a maintenance mode already on since sod released and seems it wont be different this time either…


They already said all race/class combos are available in pre-patch. Sorry if you cannot be bothered to seek out easy-to-find information.

Because any version of WoW has released perfect day 1 since the existence of the game.

WoW Classic except dev team laziness and retail anti-convenience mentality added in. What a joyous event.


Guild Perks

The Guild Perks system has been streamlined for Cataclysm Classic. Guilds themselves do not gain levels, and item rewards are granted as players level up their guild reputation. In Cataclsym Classic, many perks are granted to guild members immediately upon joining a guild, and many perks that were associated with Guilds in original Cataclysm are now granted to all players by default.

Two perks from original Cataclysm will not be available in Cataclysm Classic: Have Group, Will Travel and Cash Flow.

Guild Finder and Guild Events Calendar

In original Cataclysm patch 4.1.0, a Guild Finder system and a Guild Events Calendar were added to World of Warcraft. We intend to add the Guild Finder and the Guild Events Calendar to Cataclysm Classic in a future patch, after the launch of Cataclysm content.

What the hell is this? If the game isnt going to be ready and feature complete then just push the release date back. I would much rather wait another month than not get the full guild system implemented.

You guys really need to do better than this.


You mean WoW SoD dev team. This literally shows that they don’t want to lose the people giving that much money on subs on the main version. It’s clear that their main focus was SoD. It’s clear that they don’t want to change it… they are releasing it without enough testing on top of “excuses” (putting it lightly here that word) because why things wont release 100% working for certain things…


Original Cata launch no one could gain XP for an hour which screwed some people out of the beginning quests. Stop being weird.

This is the most “intended feature” thing I’ve seen in recent times from blizzard. Lmfao.


That’s how I feel above every facet of the game I don’t personally engage in.


Btw, now that Blizz is owned by Microsoft, and Bethesda is owned by Microsoft, they can official use “It just works” as a motto lmao



Should have known right off the bat with the 9 month super speed Cata that this expansion is being phoned in hard. The beta is busted all over. Just level a character 1-60 in the revamped world on beta and watch how often quests bug out and break, it’s insane. No foresight at all, they’ve basically cut every patches runtime in half but made no note of adjustments to legendary quest lines or gear drop rates to offset us having half the time to gear per raid tier. I’ve played every WoW beta except Legion, I’ve never seen so many fundamentally broken things from quests to mechanics to UI like this close to release. It’s going to be a mess


This is making me question the rest of what isn’t working on cata classic including prepatch.