The buffs we get from the new H++ dungeons need to get reworked and/or buffed considerably. That or we need the new dungeons to be nerfed entirely. These are not enjoyable in any capacity.
True and real
Shouldn’t require 150k dps to clear a boss, not if its tuned for 353 ilvl. Imagine trying to heal these at that level
I’m at 379 iirc; and healing can be a nightmare at that ilvl - it all depends on the RNG for these stupid oozes.
My resto druid was like 355ilvl cpl hours ago now it’s 377 just running protocol twilights. Only had 2 wipes so far, both on 2nd well of eternity boss cuz people didn’t interrupt. Past that people doing avg of 15-20k dps and I’m having no issues. So what do you mean buffs need buffed? Lol
You don’t get any valor, but specific queueing the hour of twilight dungeons is way easier in comparison and still gets you fragments
uh huh. 1 post andy, most definitley on an alt to not look dumb on other recognizable characters. claiming had no issues at 355. going against the grain
Ran just about an hour ago in SFK
Lord Goffrey -
Mage(w/ Staff) - 4.24m (56.1k) 386 ilvl
Rogue (Me) - 3.41m (45.1k) 355 ilvl
DK(tank) - 2.57m (34.0k) 373 ilvl
Warrior - 2.10m (27.8k) 376 ilvl
Shaman - 747k (9.9k)
DK - 462k (6.1k)
No wipes the whole dungeon, smooth as silk run. YMMV.
they already nerfed the dungeons after the initial post here. You got into a dungeon with the slimes health pools drastically nerfed to make them not awful to kill.
You can only do this once a day with all 3, thats 27 fragments a day.
27 extremely easy fragments still with the same loot pool. The only thing you miss is your valor and thats easy. Most ppl gonna be running thse for frags past valor cap anyways
The protocols yes, but not just specific queuing for 3 dungeons a day and calling it a day.
Then again… I did get Souldrinker and Eye of Unmaking just from said 3 dungeons… yeah you right.
All I really want is for the cobalt slime’s mana drain effect to happen much much much slower. I can only get a moonfire and insect swarm on the orb before I’m oom.
That or they could let us kill more than one slime if we properly set aside the time and dps to do the whatever total that would be, 300-500k health.
The first boss in SFK was not fun at all. Slimes would arrive and then he’d Asphyxiate: we cant move but the slimes sure could. Cobalt mana leach orb flying into the walls so we cant kill it…
Blue Dragonflight buff is trash.
there are so many bosses where if the mechanics overlap with ooze spawn the oozes are impossible to kill in time
I can attest these are going to be impossible to pug once the geared population is done farming them.
If you want to appeal to casuals or to keep this game afloat at all you need easier content people can get gear from like infernos/twilight dungeons, or it’s going to just bleed dry.
I say this as someone who can complete these easily as i’m doing it in guild groups, I’ve pugged 3 of them, 0 to completion. It’s never been a tank or healer issue it’s been a dps issue. You can’t change that a lot of people that que for these will be doing sub 20k dps even with the buffs, it’s inevitable, but if they’re in there is makes these basically impossible to do.
Do you have time as well for the run?
you have time until someone leaves which is usually the tank after a few wipes. No one wants to sit there wiping
Oh no! New content is not immediately faceroll day 1, the sky must be falling, whatever are we going to do?
They are not fun nor are they alt friendly.