Not receiving pet waxwick from achievement Khaz Algar Safari

Same here. They removed the need for the umbral amalgam, so I automatically got the achieve, but no pet! Booooo!

It is a bit technical, but I guess that the new achievement that was supposed to fix the reward issue, links to a CriteriaTree ID that is missing something.

Recently they avoided adding missing RewardItemIDs (e.g. Lil’ Bonechewer for “Worm Theory” or Fuzzy for “Family Battler of Khaz Algar”) to the original achievements’ data. I don’t know the reason, maybe rewarding players retroactively never worked or no longer works like this.

So instead, they added hidden copies (not exactly copies, but they name them copy) of achievements where they have the RewardItemIDs and the required criteria is the completion of the original achievement.

  1. For the “Khaz Algar Safari” we have the original 40194 achievement with now 30 required pets (instead of the former 31 with Umbral Amalgam) and still no reward.

  2. We now also have the hidden “Khaz Algar Safari (copy)” 41683 achievement with the reward and this lists CriteriaTree ID 207362 which (for me with my baby-datamining) is not or no longer correctly connected to the original achievement or anything at all, while the other achievements’ copies I mentioned somehow bring me to the original ones.

So from my understanding, the Devs have to check what is wrong with this CriteriaTree ID 207362 to make it trigger correctly when players complete(d) the original achievement by collecting the 30 required pets.

been a problem forever

check here Not receiving pet waxwick from achievement Khaz Algar Safari

Logged in after the change and found the umbral. Caught it and noticed the achievement never went off saying I completed it when I logged in. However, still no ding but the achieve is there. Like y’all, no waxwick. @BlizzSupport get on it

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Feels like it’s a myth. Have the achievement, no pet…

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I have also completed the Achievement “Khaz Algar Safari” but have not received the Waxwick pet reward.

pet isnt real

issue persists

New Year, and still no pet (at least for me). Tickets apparently aren’t helpful either? Shame, really. ): Just bumping this to keep it on Blizz’s radar and hopefully we get our lil pet!

Thanks everyone for the warning! I recently saw other people in dungeons with a little walking candle Wayne, which led me to find Waxwick. So sad he’s still bugged after all this time, but glad I know not to work on the achieve for the time being.

Waxwick still missing

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I actually did the achievement and received him but then I also got the Umbral Amalgam before I finished the achievement so it is possible that could have been the reason or they may have fixed it giving it to you but have not put in something to give it to people retroactively that already earned the achievement like a friend of mine who still doesn’t have it.

Best I can offer is everyone here send a bug report it every day you log on that you don’t have it. Maybe after they are swimming in bug reports they may go about fixing it to stop the constant deluge of complaints.

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Yep pet still missing, some hotfixes happened today (the cyrce’s circlet ring nerfed in pvp) no notes yet though…

As of today, I have do not have the Waxwick pet. If they fixed this, I haven’t seen and indication. I earned the pet when the changed the achievement and removed the one pet.

I did a combined bug report and an Item Restore request (the in-game ticket) and woke up this morning to having Waxwick in my mailbox.

I don’t think this is the sustainable solution, but for those jonesing for waxwick, this worked for me.

It’s easy in the Blizz API to see both your Pet Library and the achievements you have. I just cited that as a proof.

Just adding to the chorus. Completed Achievement, no pet.

found this response from 3 weeks ago.

Completing “Khaz Algar Safari” Achievement Does Not Award Waxwick Battlepet

Updated: 1 week ago

Article ID: 364745


Common Problems

* When i completed achievement Khaz Algar Safari i had full bags (and received info about it). As far i know - pet - Waxwick is reward for that achievement. Didn’t get him in mailbox too.

  • Had full bags but I didn’t get Warwick

We have received several reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended. We apologize for any inconvenience while our developers work as quickly as possible to resolve the issue.

If you discover a new issue, please submit a new [Bug report]

Note: Bugs submitted in-game do not receive a personal response. Instead, they’ll be directed to the teams responsible for addressing them.

Same. Still waiting for my Waxwick since getting the achievement with 11.0.7!

This is something customer service used to be able to help us with. I don’t know why CS can’t do anything anymore. I don’t like having to wait months or more for fixes that only a few bugged people need. :frowning:

Condition persists

Bug persists. No Waxwick.