Not Receiving Ash'adar, Harbinger of Dawn

100% same experience. 300 tenders, no mount.

Blizzard updated on the bugs section this is known, at least.

(and yes, that is what I mean by at LEAST)

Same issue, filled bar but never could open the chest.

Logged out until the next day and now my tender/progress have reset to 0 and I still can not interact with the chest, my “tasks” are still marked as completed though.

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I filled the bar yesterday, opened the chest, got some tender, but no mount.
I logged back in a moment ago and chest is not lootable and I still do not have the mount.
It would be nice if their customer service team would think to update us on whether we’ll be provided the mount once issue is resolved.

This is an issue for me as well. Totes not cool that no blue has chimed in yet.

Not only did I not get the mount, my tendies bar reset along with all the quests!! >:( Come on, Blizz.

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Same here, and since its the weekend, we probably wont get a blue response until Monday.

Same problem. Got my 1k, tried logging in and out, logged out for 2-3 hours, came back, still nothing :frowning:

Im stuck at 1900 tender, no mount, but the bar is full and it wont let me collect more currency nor loot the chest to get that last 100 currency and the mount.

Same issue. No mount, got points yesterday and relogged many times on many characters and just says all rewards have been collected.

Any blizz update about this issue?

(post deleted by author)

Obviously, I have this problem too. But I don’t even see it listed in the uncollected section of mount options.

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Same problem, though I can’t even open the cache. I’ve tried logging out and using a different character. Still nothing. Haven’t gotten anything since getting the initial currency the day it began.

same here completed the bar of 1000 and still no mount. just adding my name too the pot

Same, I did get tenders but no mount, strangely it was showing 1000/1000 when I completed it earlier and the name of the mount, now it just says “You have collected all rewards for this month.”

same, i logged out for half a day and still no mount

Yep, same here. Empty bar after fulling it, and no mount.

Same issue here. I finished yesterday evening. Chest is not interactiable. Logged out waited 15, relogged. Still no joy. Waited til this afternoon to log in. Still no joy. Disabled all my addins and relogged. Still nothing

Same situation for me. I did enough tasks to earn the necessary 1000 points but received no mount.

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I’m in the same boat.