Not Receiving Ash'adar, Harbinger of Dawn

Bugged for me as well logged out for an hour still no mount.

Yep, 100 coins, no mount, how does it takes 2 days to fix this?

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Same here. The chest was dead for me, didn’t get tenders or mount.

there might already be a fix ready to go.
people have been screaming about too much downtime to fix things.
they’ll scream even harder if servers were taken down to fix something which isn’t game-breaking, or preventing people from playing.

the fix will probably come with maintenance.

…and for those who seem to have missed it:

No mount for me either. Only received 400 tenders. Been over 24 hours now.

Same issue here. no mount even after 12 hrs

i’ve been jipped out of at least 500 tender and my ash’adar.

trade post is another failure. good job blizz. keep firing the guys that knew how to build games. see where it gets you.


Still no mount a day or two after reaching 1000. :frowning:

Same Issue… /cry

Same thing. Logged out then in. Now I have an empty bar.

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Same here… It keeps bouncing back and forth from all completed and empty…

I can’t even get the chest to open so I haven’t received the coins or the mount. It’s been 3 days. This has been the most bug ridden expansion in a long time.


Add another one to the list of no mount. Opened the chest and got coins, but that was it. Nice rollout on the new thing to go for…

I’m embarrassed I pay the same subscription amount for this nonsense. Still not fixed?

How is this still broken??? There was a reset with maintenance. What was fixed? Nothing? This is like crazy.

why is this not fixed yet. I see other players on thiers posting on social media and in game and here I sit had mine finished for days and still nothing to show for it, have even done more of the stuff needed for the month and still no mount. Are we getting one or should we just write it up to another failure.

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Same issue here, No mount…

I logged out for a whole day and still haven’t received it, logged in and out on different characters, restarted pc to fix something, logged off for another hour or so, logged back on. still no mount :confused:

literally bizarre that it’s taken them so long to fix it, i still don’t have mine either

Adding to the list with no mount also didn’t even register I filled the bar once for the achievement but knowing Blizzard doesn’t care like they used to doesn’t surprise me anymore.