Not receiving any SMS, Authenticator is in KEK-State


I don’t receive any SMS when I request some… It’s weird.
So the authenticator is not working since I cannot login on my phone. Offered Options to login are SMS and Authenticator.

I checked parameters in my Bnet account it’s fine. I can receive SMS. I tried a few time over 6 hours, to receive SMS, and nothing. I also disabled my phone blocking App, relaunched Android… Nothing.

It’s just dumb logic.

See if this can be of help towards you.

No, I did that and receive SMS from other companies.

I found also a cryptic “remove authenticator” on the Bnet account page, and it says me to validate the code on the authenticator.
My phone number is valid on their datas collected on me.

it’s what the heck.

Then you’ll might need to submit a ticket for someone to help you further then.

I’ve tried and land only on automatic processes pages with the murloc.

We live in a crazy time where pseudo-IA databases of “knowledge” trap Real People into the void.

That is a very interesting statement.

Anyways, try this:

This is a direct link for the remove authenticator for Blizzard support. Ofcourse, you’ll have to click continue. Like, I think the best attempt to sorting things out would be to deal with your authenticator first, that is assuming I am reading it right with translating from the Opening Post.

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Is it really a “trap” when there’s a button at the bottom of those pages that takes you directly to the Support system, though? :thinking:


You should be able to manually access the Authenticator on the app. There should be an “Open Authenticator” option under the log in button.

Keep in mind if you recently replaced your phone or redownloaded the app, it might not be linked to your account, so that will not work.

If you are not able to receive SMS Messages to manage your account security you might need to contact our Support staff directly to have your old Authenticator removed. Here.


without their SMS arriving on my phone there is no solution

Vrak just gave you your answer. Gave you a direct link. Not taking it is no longer Blizzard’s problem, sorry to say.


Changes can not be made to your account by the forums, Drittewind, and this is for security reasons. Only thing you can do, is submit a ticket, using the link Vrakthris or myself have provided.

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I don’t have such option. just a screen with the logo, 3 slides and 3 dots to switch between slides.

[Log In] button

and version number : (12302025)

Clicking on login open phone’s brower, I tried with Bromite and Vivaldi.

My credentials are accepted and I land on a page with a code, "check your Authenticator for request NNNN

a pictogram of the phone and digit with “tap approve on your device to continue”

And trying to connect on from the phone to get support continues the same.

I can do login from the computer, but all actions requires me that dumheck authenticator thing.

It’s over I’m BORED, the fun-hating process got me.

It sounds like you don’t have an authenticator registered, which is likely why that option isn’t there.

I would recommend using the link I provided. You’ll enter your email and then be directed to a page where you have two boxes that say “Text Message Code” and “Authenticator Code” with an option below that says “Verify your account information”.

Use the Verify process, which will ask you a few account specific questions and allow you to submit a ticket. In the description just let them know that you aren’t getting the SMS text and you need to remove your Authenticator so you can log in.

You’ll receive a response asking account specific questions to help verify your account to allow us to remove the Authenticator. If you have access to the account and can reply to the ticket, do that. Otherwise, go through the same process as before and submit a new ticket with those answers.


ok thank you I will try

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