Not re-subbing until RDF Comes back

You say it’s a terrible opinion but, you offer zero alternatives. It’s only what you want. You want the easiest route possible to all solutions. You’re unimaginative. If anyone were to be a parrot it would be the people who favor GDKP, same faction BGs, boosting, and RDF because they start with “just don’t do it” then end with “this is the only solution to the problem”. Zero imagination and typical mob thinking.

Discord, Discord, Discord. The point here is that they want you talking in the game, like an MMO should be. I don’t care if you like it or not, the fact is that forming groups and getting to dungeons IS socialization. Doesn’t matter if you like it or not, it is. And that’s their goal.

I’m with you on this. I have time left on my current sub and I’ll probably participate in the launch week because it but once my sub is done I’m not renewing it.

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Drama queen much? Bye. Can I have your stuff? Go be lazy on another game <3

How do you figure? My last dungeon run I was invited, flew to the instance, said “hey.” A few others said “hey” back. And that was it.

FRIENDS FOR LIFE!!! :roll_eyes:


Oh yeah definitely. The party I joined earlier where we “socialized” by having the leader say “come to Org to be inspected or get kicked” and then the warlock summoned us and then nobody said a word the rest of the run. So much more “social” than RDF. You got me.


see you next month brother

I already cancelled my sub.



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People who support RDF are trying to ruin the game. End of discussion.

Learn game design 101. Teleporting into dungeons is a dumb idea.


People who don’t support RDF are trying to ruin the game. End of discussion.

Learn game design 101. Not supplying people with proper tools to form groups and engage in the content in an MMO is a dumb idea.


…you’re literally giving an example of a raid. Yea people talk less in 20 man groups for OBVIOUS reasons…

No, it wasnt a raid. It was a dungeon. Why the hell would I bother raiding right now. Wrath is coming in a week and a half and all of my gear will be obsolete within a day.

I never said you can’t have a better que system. That seems obvious.

But I made a post advocating for exactly that. A compromise where you could still have an improved UI for finding groups. The classic group finder is literally 20 years old.

But you spergs can’t see the forest thru the trees. You all literally just want to ruin the game.

You guys have already ruined the game by telling Blizzard to not have the RDF that made it enjoyable.


Bro you got mandatory inspection for a dungeon run? classic?

No. you didn’t. Why do you come on forums and lie just to try and make the game worse?

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I hate to break it to you, but you should maybe try using the LFG tool before calling me a liar.

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Wrath didn’t have RDF until much later in the expansion.

If RDF was enjoyable than Wrath wouldn’t have been the failure of an expansion it’s population growth proved it was.

You guy’s are on hardcore copium. You are just like the original “no changes” crowd. Or people who opposed classic +. All of you are deadset on not improving anything.

Do it. Show them.