You dont think the WoW devs and ATVI/Blizz execs have more stock than you do? Huh
I dont need to buy microsoft, according to the laws of this country, owning one share entitles me to attend the share holder meeting and to bring my concerns to the board, which i intend to exercise
This is the most intense power fantasy I’ve ever gotten to see first hand lmao
Dawg. Stop. Your opinions are valid. You dont have to make it weird.
P L E A S E document the process and upload it to YouTube as a docuseries. I’m begging you.
I will like and subscribe, ftlog just please post vids.
It’s not weird, Blizzard wont listen so the next logical step is to be the squeaky wheel to the microsoft board, as they say the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
The squeaky wheel gets shown the door with security not far behind.
RDF was the start of the descent into retail.
thats beauty of being a stock holder, i have a legal right to be in attendance and voice my concerns every single year at the annual meeting, i can’t be legally excluded. If any of you own stock you should be aware of this, the SEC gurantee’s every stockholder this right. Normally small share holders don’t attend, but they are legally allowed to.
Least insane RDF enjoyer.
Aight man. Best of luck. Either way your issue is with the direction of the game. If its upsetting you this much, I dont understand why you would pay to play it and take it out on the players.
also its a cash buyout meaning any blizzard devs that currently own activision stock are getting cash, not shares in Microsoft, no activision shares are being converted to microsoft shares, its a complete cash buyout
because the players are the reason we are in this mess, Blizzard in typical fashion listened to the vocal minority
We are still talking about RDF right?
yes we are, the no RDF decision was because a vocal minority where making posts as far back as 2019 saying if we eventually get wrath please no RDF
Oh i didnt know that. If they add RDF in 3 months will all be forgiven?
So you wont link it, got it.
Dont want the context of the conversation to be shown?
100% delusions
No not all will be forgiven. RDF needs to added at launch. Nobody has time to wait 3 months for that except the sweaty try-hard no lifers who don’t want it in and have all the time in the world to sit around and monitor the chat.
cry more? dont be mad cause i said you had terrible opinions and stop parroting